Tag Archives: Claims

Hero’s Journey Paper. 2023 Best

Hero's Journey Paper.

Hero’s Journey Paper. Introduction and explanation of what does the title of Campbell’s work mean. What are three of his main points about myths in general?

Hero’s Journey Paper.

Hero’s Journey Paper. Introduction and explanation of what does the title of Campbell’s work mean. What are three of his main points about myths in general? Do you agree with his conclusions? Why/why not? In what way does your life relate to Campbell’s theory? Give at least two personal examples. What is the most important thing you learned about yourself from this assignment? In formulating your response to these questions, be sure to use at least two other sources in addition to your textbook (such as the videos in the module) to support your claims and thoughts.

Hero’s Journey Paper.

Note: your response should not be a recitation of someone else’s ideas (do not use quotes) but should reflect your own thoughts, feelings and reactions to the subject matter. The paper should be 1000 words in length, double-spaced, in Arial 11 or 12, with one inch margins. Type and save the paper as a Word document and submit using the link above. https://youtu.be/GNPcefZKmZ0


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Rhetorical analysis of Tressie McMillan 2022 Best

Rhetorical analysis of Tressie McMillan

For your second major assignment for the semester, you are being asked to write a rhetorical analysis of Tressie McMillan Cottom’s “The Disaster We Must Think About Every Day”

Rhetorical analysis of Tressie McMillan

ENGLISH 101: ESSAY 2 Rhetorical Analysis. For your second major assignment for the semester, you are being asked to write a rhetorical analysis of Tressie McMillan Cottom’s “The Disaster We Must Think About Every Day” Your task is to evaluate the effectiveness of the text’s argument, presenting a thesis-driven analysis that addresses the reasoning for your judgement. In doing so, your essay should analyze the rhetorical choices the author makes, exploring the author/argument’s credibility (ethos), its use of logical appeals (logos), and its use of emotional appeals (pathos).

Rhetorical analysis of Tressie McMillan

You should also attend to the text’s tone, diction (word choice), organization and anything else that you feel helps to make the argument convincing or unconvincing to its intended audience. The thesis for your rhetorical analysis should answer the question: Is the text effective in persuading its intended audience and why? Your audience for this assignment is a general public readership who has read (but not memorized) the article; your analysis will need to make sense to readers who do not have the text in front of them. Goals: · Identify how the purpose of text is achieved through the choices a writer makes.

Rhetorical analysis of Tressie McMillan

Evaluate the degree to which the argumentative choices a writer makes are effective and ethical · Determine the effects of point of view on an author’s interpretation/argument · Organize prose giving priority to more important ideas · Demonstrate effective logical reasoning in written prose · Incorporate paraphrases, summaries, and quotations smoothly and honestly into writing Process and Questions to Consider: Read and annotate the text. Determine the text’s purpose (implicit or explicit). Is it making an argument? Trying to persuade someone of something? Simply informing its audience on a topic?

Rhetorical analysis of Tressie McMillan

Determine the audience. Who does the document target? How can you tell? Who is the author or producer? Why might it matter? Is any bias present or possible? Is the author/producer knowledgeable and reliable? How complete and accurate is the information? Is anything missing? Examine the tone, purpose, organization/structure, point of view, and context of the document’s text. What do these choices add? Examine the text’s appeals to emotion, logic, and credibility. Evaluate any claims made in the document. Are they fair? Is there any faulty reasoning in these claims? What is the overall message of the document? What does it attempt to do? Is it successful? Length Requirements: 3 or more full pageshttps://youtu.be/rpfOJDVJs5A

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Communication research methods. 2022 Best

Communication research methods.

This paper explores communication research methods. For this exercise, you will take on the role of a peer reviewer for a published piece of communication research. While you will continue to grow your understanding of effective research methods throughout this course,

Communication research methods.

COMMUNICATION RESEARCH METHODS – CM321 EXERCISE 1 – PEER REVIEW Reading, understanding, and critically evaluating the work of others is an important component of research that lies at both ends of the study process: Before beginning a new project, researchers should review the existing literature on their subject and identify both the current state of understanding, and gaps or deficiencies in past research. Then, once the study is complete, it is typical for any findings to be subjected to intensive review by the researchers’ peers before they are published. WHAT WILL YOU DO?

Communication research methods.

For this exercise, you will take on the role of a peer reviewer for a published piece of communication research. While you will continue to grow your understanding of effective research methods throughout this course, you already have the conceptual tools to begin to evaluate the methods used by others. STEP 1: SELECT A PUBLICATION First, choose a publication to evaluate. This can be any journal article, conference paper, or other peer-reviewed publication that is relevant to the field of communication research. If you’re not sure where to start, try looking through recent publications of flagship communication journals for something that looks interesting to you:

Communication research methods.

• Journal of Communication • New Media & Society • Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly • Social Media + Society • International Journal of Communication • Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication • Human Communication Research (You may want to seek out a publication that is also related to the topic of your final presentation, so that you can re-use your notes from this exercise!) Make sure to indicate the publication that you decide on when you turn in your review! STEP 2: READ AND ANNOTATE Next, read through the publication thoroughly and take notes.

Communication research methods.

You may choose to either take bullet-point notes on another page, or to annotate the article directly, whichever approach is more natural for you. As you read through the publication, keep a few key questions in mind: 1) What are the authors of this publication trying to say? What broad questions are they trying to answer? 2) What theories are they referencing or drawing upon? 3) Is this research exploratory, confirmatory, or both? • If the research is exploratory, what research questions are the authors addressing? • If the research is confirmatory, what hypotheses are the authors testing? 4) What variables are the authors dealing with?

Communication research methods.

How are they defined? • What are the relationships between them? • How are they measured and at what level of measurement? 5) What conclusions do the authors come to? • So what? Your notes at this stage need not be overly detailed or organized. These should just be your raw first impressions after reading through the article. STEP 3: SUMMARIZE AND ORGANIZE COMMENTS Once you have read through the publication, go back over your notes and flag any sources of concern so that you can point these out in your review. Some examples: • Claims made by the authors that didn’t seem to be supported. https://youtu.be/DtC2JduxkJ8

Communication research methods.

Conceptual or operational definitions of variables that didn’t seem valid • Methods that seem ethically problematic • Components of the study that you don’t feel comfortable evaluating STEP 4: WRITE YOUR REVIEW In practice, peer review can take many different forms, from lengthy essays to short notes exchanged between reviewers. Some organizations use standardized questionnaires to try and ensure consistency between reviewers. For this review, you will be provided with a questionnaire and asked to fill out each section to the best of your ability (one paragraph per section).

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