Tag Archives: democracy

The framework of government 2023 Best

The framework of government

This paper answers the following question: How does the framework of government established by the Constitution illustrate that the Founding Fathers both cherished and feared democratic government

The framework of government

 Answer question, the also in accordance with the CONSTITUTION Paper details: Democracy and Capitalism. How does the framework of government established by the Constitution illustrate that the Founding Fathers both cherished and feared democratic government? Read more Essay Expectations: The essay should be about 750 words, Times New Roman, 12 pt., double-spaced (~ 3 pages). Constitution Short Essay Build an outline for two body paragraphs–include a topic sentence and multiple pieces of supporting evidence for each one. Body paragraph #1: ways that the Constitution reflects that the framers cherished democracy.

The framework of government

Body paragraph #2: ways that the Constitution reflects that the framers feared democratic government. Draft a thesis statement that puts the question in context, offers a clear argument that answers the question and provides a set of reasons that support your argument Add bullet points under your thesis of context and background evidence that needs to be included in your introduction. 3rd person, and in the PAST TENSE. All analytical writing is based on evidence: the facts and words that support your argument. 10-15 pieces of evidence (proper nouns; description of a specific event/image; dates; statistics; primary source quotations) per paragraph. Explain the quotation afterwards. https://youtu.be/kDm3-4jhGkQ

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Foreign-language learning process 2023 Best

Foreign-language learning process

For this assignment we will discuss the role that identity plays in the foreign-language learning process.  Discuss the conception of English as an international language based on Kachru´s concentric model of the inner, outer, and expanding circle countries, compared to Modiano´s centripetal circle of World varieties.

Foreign-language learning process

What role does identity play in the foreign-language learning process? Reflect upon concepts such as EFL, EIL, critical ELT, descriptive vs. prescriptive grammar, multiculturalism, communicative ability, native speaker ideal, accommodation, culture, democracy and culture for example. Discuss the conception of English as an international language based on Kachru´s concentric model of the inner, outer, and expanding circle countries, compared to Modiano´s centripetal circle of World varieties. What are the fundamental differences and what implications will this have from a teaching perspective?

Foreign-language learning process

Reflect upon concepts such as native speakers, second-language speakers, and foreign-language speakers, democracy and culture for example. Discuss how English has developed as a global lingua franca. Give some examples of how varieties of English have evolved, first and second varieties and become standardized, i.e. how colonialism and British English has impacted on a country´s variety of English. Reflect upon concepts such as intelligibility, diversity, identity, EIL, ELF,settler colonization, pidgin and creole, globalization, new mother tongue varieties vs. second-language varieties (new Englishes) language contact, economic power, international business for example.

Foreign-language learning process

Discuss whether the emerging world Englishes due to globalization potentially could threaten mutual comprehensibility where BrEng or AmEng no longer are the norm. What are the implications and what could some of the solutions be? Also, briefly define and describe the term ‘standard English’. What are the pros and cons of having such a term? Reflect upon concepts such as multiculturalism, mono-culturalism, assimilation, core English, EIL, English as a lingua franca, cross-cultural communicative competence, corpus linguistics for example. choose 2 topics. https://youtu.be/5dY7V6P9OFA

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Level of democracy decline 2022 Best

Level of democracy decline

The aim of this assignment is to explore why a country of choice has seen its level of democracy decline in recent years. STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE EDITORIAL 1) Summarize the information that you found about the country to a general public by, for instance, touching on issues of whose rights are being violated, why has democracy been hurt in recent years etc

Level of democracy decline

Throughout the semester, you have seen various ways the different rights of individuals (citizenship, social and political) within countries have been hurt either through direct state policy, control by the elite or groups of individuals against the expansion of rights to other groups. You will apply this knowledge to write an editorial article (intended for the general public who read newspapers) in which you explore why a country of your choice has seen its level of democracy (or how much rights citizens have) decline in recent years.

Level of democracy decline

To have some general background about the country, you can explore the above Freedomhouse website, but also use the CIA factbook: https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/ For the academic source, use jstor, Academic Search Complete, Google Scholar, One Search or a database you feel comfortable with to do a search. Use the name of the country with keywords such as democracy, citizenship rights, authoritarianism etc…You only need one well-written academic source. You are also expected to use at least 2 sources from our course. Even if they are not directly about your country they will help give a general framework.

Level of democracy decline

STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE EDITORIAL 1) Summarize the information that you found about the country to a general public by, for instance, touching on issues of whose rights are being violated, why has democracy been hurt in recent years etc…(about one page) 2) Explain to the reader (1) how some of the perspectives we have seen and the additional source you will have found can help explain the changes in rights (about two pages) (2) how the new source you found further highlights the usefulness of this framework. 3) Offer a solution, based on your analysis, of how this can be improved.

Level of democracy decline

Are there political elites who should be pressured by the international community? Are there groups who should be protected? Can there be social changes brought so that the country is more equal? Tips for each section: 1) For section 1. Remember, you do not want to bore the reader with too much information, but you also want to share some information with someone who does not have access to the same information. Instead of saying COUNTRY A’s freedom house score decreased, try to give two figures that show that it is low or has decreased. You can further give a vivid example of how someone or a group has been impacted by the change.

Level of democracy decline

2) For section 2, make sure that you give enough background to understand the perspectives we have seen without getting into too much detail. For instance you can say something like Quadagno (a sociologist) has demonstrated that state policy hurts policy rights or something like Mann has shown that struggle over economic resources has led to violence between groups etc…to then link to a description of what is going on today. 3) For section 3. Think about what kinds of solutions would be easy to implement. It could be programs to help minorities, ways to provide incentives to the political elite to change their ways etc…

Level of democracy decline

General tips Familiarize yourselves with the tone of a newspaper editorial written by experts. For instance, you can create a free NYtimes account through the library website or consult other news outlets like https://theconversation.com/us. Do not forget that you are writing for an audience that might need information to understand what you are talking about, give enough information (do not assume you are writing for me who already knows the topic).

Level of democracy decline

Use the ASA citation guide to reference sources and the information you provide. Your argument should be clear, make sure that you have enough time at the end of the semester to edit your work, to ask a friend to reread it or to go to the writing center. DUE DATES: November 30 or earlier Mini Assignment (for feedback) December 20 Final version.https://youtu.be/7mo9cYPF5dU


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Entering a foreign market 2022 Best

Entering a foreign market

For this assignment, you will be developing your own small business and Entering a foreign market with your goods or services. The US will be your home base, and you will choose the foreign market.

Entering a foreign market

New business in Germany. Market Entry Assignment For this assignment, you will be developing your own small business and entering a foreign market with your goods or services. The US will be your home base, and you will choose the foreign market. This plan will document in detail the steps and considerations necessary to enter the chosen market. Analyze the country’s business practices, culture, currency, policies, and any other factors that influence your decision (norms, traditions, leadership, ethics, legal structure, trade, investments, national products, and country trends). Finally, you will use all your available resources to put together a completed entry report into your targeted market.

Entering a foreign market

The objective is to provide evidence on how your company will enter a foreign market and what hurdles you will have to overcome. Finally, you will conclude with an assessment and recommendations for which market to enter and why (your recommendations maybe not to enter the chosen market). FORMAT OF PAPER Follow the outline format exactly – each section and subsection should be titled accordingly – addressing and expanding on all points relative to the foreign market(s) you are researching.

Entering a foreign market

YOU SHOULD BE USING TERMS FROM THE BOOK TO DESCRIBE: How your business is operating – i.e., exporting, joint venture, turnkey project, green-field investment, just-in-time inventory, TQM, distribution channels, push/pull strategies, predatory pricing, expatriate, etc. Describe political-legal, social-cultural and economic-geographic environments – which could include: collectivism, individualism, democracy, privatization, purchasing power parity, power distance, social mobility, poly/ethno/geocentric strategies, exchange rates/currency value/convertibility, FDI, absolute/comparative advantage, economies of scale……

Entering a foreign market

Trade creation/diversion, efficient/inefficient markets, countertrade, arbitrage, corruption, moral hazard, experience/learning effects, first-mover advantage/disadvantage. What global organizations does your company participate in or seek assistance from (i.e., WTO, IMF, World Bank, UN, EU)? Lastly, your paper must adhere to APA and be submitted as an MS Word document via blackboard. You will need a minimum of six content pages (not including title page, appendices, charts, or reference page). You must also have a minimum of five academic sources. Be sure to proofread your final paper for spelling, grammar, and APA. https://youtu.be/drK_S95gCJU

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American citizenship and the Constitution. 2022 Best

American citizenship and the Constitution.

For this assignment we will explore the concept of American citizenship and the Constitution. Paragraph 1: Introduction – Compose a general introduction about the concept of American citizenship and democracy.

American citizenship and the Constitution.

Paper instructions: Paragraph 1: Introduction – Compose a general introduction about the concept of American citizenship and democracy. Thesis Statement – Write a thesis statement to respond to the general question: what constitutional principles and/or influential founding documents support the creation of the U.S Constitution? Paragraph 2: Constitutional Principle #1 – Introduce Constitutional Principle #1 and its original source. Explain the outlined principle rights and responsibilities guaranteed to citizens. Influential Document #1 – Cite the document’s title and author.

American citizenship and the Constitution.

Explain the historical significance of the document and how its ideas appear in the Constitution. Supporting Quotes or Ideas from Influential Document#1 – Choose 1–2 quotes from this document and the Constitution to support your ideas. Paragraph 3: Constitutional Principle #2 – Introduce Constitutional Principle #2 and its original source. Explain the outlined principle rights and responsibilities guaranteed to citizens. Influential Document #2 – Cite the document’s title and author. Explain the historical significance of the document and how its ideas appear in the Constitution.

American citizenship and the Constitution.

Supporting Quotes or Ideas from Influential Document#2 – Choose 1–2 quotes from this document and the Constitution to support your ideas. Paragraph 4: Constitutional Principle #3 – Introduce Constitutional Principle #3 and its original source. Explain the outlined principle rights and responsibilities guaranteed to citizens. Influential Document #3 – Cite the document’s title and author. Explain the historical significance of the document and how its ideas appear in the Constitution.

American citizenship and the Constitution.

Supporting Quotes or Ideas from Influential Document#3 – Choose 1–2 quotes from this document and the Constitution to support your ideas. Paragraph 5: Conclusion – Revisit the main ideas expressed in each paragraph. Explain why you chose these three sources to explain your point. Paraphrase and explain your thesis statement again. https://youtu.be/OLKOETXgO0A

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