Tag Archives: legal question

Advertising agency in Cooperstown 2022 Best

Advertising agency in Cooperstown

This assignment focuses on the following scenario: You work for a small advertising agency in Cooperstown, N.Y, near the Baseball Hal-of fame. Your agency’s principal advertising clients are businesses in town, some of whom sell baseball memorabilia, The agency has a good record of placing advertisements for its clients in both real space and on the internet.

Advertising agency in Cooperstown

Paper details: You work for a small advertising agency in Cooperstown, N.Y, near the Baseball Hal-of fame. Your agency’s principal advertising clients are businesses in town, some of whom sell baseball memorabilia, The agency has a good record of placing advertisements for its clients in both real space and on the internet. Many of these small stores have both physical and internet presence. Last week, you were looking at the website of Kendrick Sports, the largest seller of baseball memorabilia in New York. Kendrick is not your client, and try as you have, you have not been able to obtain their business.

Advertising agency in Cooperstown

The Kendrick website contains a database of information about the recent sales and auctions Kendrick has held for athlete-signed jerseys and jackets, baseball cards, and signed photos of famous players. The Kendrick website offers a brief, factual description of the merchandise, the price at which it was sold, a photo of the item, and the date of the sale. There are thousands of entries, going back at least 5 years. As you scrolled through the Kendrick web page entries, you had an idea for a new website that would provide would-be consumers with a place to research the market for these hard-to-price items.

Advertising agency in Cooperstown

The new website would be a good marketing tool for your agency’s clients, and by putting their sales information into your company’s database, the website you envision would be even more comprehensive. You have 10 small clients in town that you believe would be interested in joining in and contributing sales of their data, but the key to making it all work is to incorporate the Kendrick information. You check the Kendrick’s site and find a short Terms of Use Agreement. The Kendrick Agreement is directed only to “cookies” and data collection and does not say anything about using scrapers, bots, or other technological means when surfing their site.

Advertising agency in Cooperstown

Your technician Can easily build a computer program to download the past-sales data on the Kendrick site You mention your idea to Carla Speil, the head of your agency. She is intrigued. But is it legal, she asks? Ms. Speil sees the rewards…. “But it seems like stealing. If we do it, what will we tell our clients?” she asks as she walks away. If the agency proceeds with your idea, you will earn a substantial bonus. You know that to convince Ms. Spell, in addition to addressing the legal question, you will also have to address persuasively that last thing she said Write a one-page memo, Ms. Speil says, answering her questions.  https://youtu.be/h6kucKbossM

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summary of a judicial decision. 2022 Best

Summary of a judicial decision.

For this assignment we will focus on writing a case brief or a summary of a judicial decision. Every case brief begins with a citation of the case. A citation is a reference to the name of the parties (using last names only), the court that decided the case, the publication where the case may be located and the year of the decision.

Summary of a judicial decision.

A case brief is a summary of a judicial decision. It is typically utilized by law students in order to gather the most important information about a case. In order to complete this assignment, choose ONE of the cases assigned. The full legal decisions are posted on Blackboard so there is no need for you to look them up on your own. Before beginning you brief your case, you must read the case in its entirety and fully understand it. Review Appendix A of your textbook and these instructions before you begin. CITATION (5 points): Every case brief begins with a citation of the case.

A citation is a reference to the name of the parties (using last names only), the court that decided the case, the publication where the case may be located and the year of the decision.

Summary of a judicial decision.

Your citation should be centered at the top of your case brief. In appendix A, you will see the following information in the citation: the name of the case basic publication information, including the case reporter volume, the reporter abbreviation, and the first page number of the opinion- the court that decided the case the year of the decision Generally speaking, a case brief consists of the following four sections: FACTS (35 points) This section must include a recitation of the facts of the case in your own words. Please do not include every fact; rather focus on the important facts. ISSUE (10 points) What is the specific legal question that the court must resolve?

Summary of a judicial decision.

The issue should be set forth in the form of a question. DECISION (5 points) The court’s answer to the issue that you state above. It must begin with a “yes” or “no” and then 1-2 sentences stating how the court decided. REASON (40 points) A detailed analysis of why the court held the way that it did. What facts and rules of law did the court rely on in making its decision. *Remaining 5 points- English usage, grammar and spelling *Your brief must include all of these sections, just like the brief in Appendix A.

Summary of a judicial decision.

*Your brief should be 2-3 pages long, 12pt font, 1” margins on all sides. *Please remember that your brief is in essence a summary of the court’s decision IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Please note that copying and pasting the text of the decision is not briefing a case and, accordingly, credit will not be given. Briefing involves the student’s own analysis of the case and should reflect the student’s understanding of the decision. https://youtu.be/QjLcLguoKC4

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