Tag Archives: scientific

Language Extinction. 2023 Best

Language Extinction. 

This paper explores language Extinction. An indigenous language is one that developed in a particular location; it was not brought to the area from “outside.” Indigenous languages are usually associated with Indigenous peoples around the world and, like those peoples,

Language Extinction.

An indigenous language is one that developed in a particular location; it was not brought to the area from “outside.” Indigenous languages are usually associated with Indigenous peoples around the world and, like those peoples, these languages are often under pressure for survival. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) notes that the vast majority of the world’s languages are spoken by a very small number of the world’s people (Foundation for Endangered Languages, 2016, para. 2). “At the other end of the scale, 10 major languages, each spoken by over 109 million people, are the mother tongues of almost half (49%) of the world’s population” (Foundation for Endangered Languages, 2016, para 4).

Language Extinction.

UNESCO estimates that “in most world regions, about 90% of the languages may be replaced by dominant languages by the end of the 21st century” (UNESCO, 2003, p. 2). This pressure is due to many factors, including external economic and religious pressures, educational subjugation, or even the community’s own negative attitudes to their own language (for example, feeling that it does not help them “get ahead” economically or that it identifies them with a group subject to discrimination) (UNESCO, 2003, p. 2). In some cases, languages are endangered or have gone extinct. This occurs when no one can speak or remember the language.

Language Extinction.

It is a one-way process: an extinct language cannot be revived unless it has been adequately documented. Scientists and anthropologists around the world recognize that the loss of linguistic diversity is a serious problem. With the loss of a language, we also lose the ability to communicate vital knowledge. Organizations that work to preserve the world’s indigenous languages have developed plans of action to support and sustain these languages. For example, UNESCO (2010) has developed the UNESCO Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger, and a system to measure the degrees of endangerment of those languages, in six degrees from safe to extinct.

Language Extinction.

The Foundation for Endangered Languages (2016) has developed a Manifesto that sets out its aims and objectives. It is hoped that taking various measures will prevent the loss of indigenous languages, but if nothing else, appropriate documentation can help to revitalize languages that have been lost. References Foundation for Endangered Languages. (2016). Manifesto. http://www.ogmios.org/manifesto/index.htm UNESCO. (2010). UNESCO Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. http://www.unesco.org/new/en/culture/themes/endangered-languages/atlas-of-languages-in-danger/

Language Extinction.

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000183699 In this assignment, you will identify a language that is endangered or extinct. Go to the following site: Endangered Languages (endangeredlanguages.com) You are required to choose a language that is endangered (any form) or extinct, from the website. Write a description of this language (language name, where it is found, how many speakers are left, and anything else that might be important). Make sure to note why it is extinct or endangered (this may require using additional reputable sources).

Language Extinction.

Next, you will find a scholarly source that discusses why the loss of indigenous languages is considered to be a loss for humanity and summarize one specific reason why indigenous languages should be preserved. You many use the websites that are mentioned in this unit, or you may find your own reputable source (academic article, government websites, mainstream news, etc.). Remember, you must appropriately cite your information, to the page or paragraph, as well as creating a reference list formatted according to APA criteria. Finally, you will research a method that UNESCO or the Foundation for Endangered Languages recommends to prevent the endangerment or disappearance of languages.

Language Extinction.

For this portion of the assignment, you will read about one of these methods at: UNESCO, “Language Vitality and Endangerment” (see particularly section 3.3) Foundation for Endangered Languages You may find additional information in the reading “Can Minority Languages be Saved” on the Course Resources List Then, summarize the method you read about in a sentence or two. To get full marks, you must apply the method to the language you used for the first part of the assignment. Think about a method that would help to preserve or revitalize your chosen study language. Instructions: Read the preceding discussion about indigenous languages.

Language Extinction.

Identify an endangered or extinct language from the allowed site only. Describe it using the criteria noted above. (3 marks) Discuss why the language is extinct or endangered. (1 mark) Discuss one argument in your own words about why indigenous languages should be preserved, from the sources provided in the unit or using other reputable sources. (3 marks) Summarize a method to preserve endangered languages, and discuss how it could be used (or could have been used, if the language is extinct) to preserve your chosen indigenous language, from the information you presented. Please note that the method must come from the sources given in this assignment.

Language Extinction.

Remember to cite your sources in your written paragraph, using the modified APA format (author, year, page/paragraph #). You must also include a reference list at the end of your work (placed after the last paragraph) that matches all the sources you used (listed alphabetically). (2 marks) Keep to a 500-word limit for your entire post, including the summary. If you significantly exceed the length parameters listed, you will lose marks. Make sure to check spelling and grammar! (1 mark) Do not use more than 1-2 quotes. Put all other information in your own words (paraphrase) and cite it. https://youtu.be/-raL5TBC8N0

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Tuskegee Syphilis Study 2023 Best

Tuskegee Syphilis Study

The Tuskegee Syphilis study is considered a research atrocity and a horrific breach of ethics within the scientific community. Based on this example, choose one theory of Determinism (Religious, Scientific, Historical, Economic, or Psychological).

Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Briefly summarize the Tuskegee  Study (Be sure to cite the source used for your summary) The Tuskegee study is considered a research atrocity and a horrific breach of ethics within the scientific community. Based on this example, choose one theory of Determinism (Religious, Scientific, Historical, Economic, or Psychological). Briefly summarize this theory in 1-2 sentences. Explain how the chosen theory relates to the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. Based on your chosen theory, are humans free to make moral decisions of their own free will or are their decisions determined by outside forces? Are they morally responsible for their actions? https://youtu.be/NQxLOti2pek

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Intellectual development of Western Europe 2022 Best

Intellectual development of Western Europe

The Intellectual development of Western Europe (this might include philosophy or mentality, as well as scientific, technological. Introduction to Medieval and Early Modern Western European Civilization Final Paper Assignment (500 points)

Intellectual development of Western Europe

Your final paper, which will be due during our Final Examination Week, on or by Thursday, December 15, 2022, will be an 8-10 page paper, answering the following question: If all of the primary sources you have read, viewed (if they were works of art) or listened to (if they were musical works) are placed in chronological order—that is, with the oldest sources first, and the most recent source last—in which area do you believe western Europeans experienced the most significant change between 300 and 1789?

Intellectual development of Western Europe

Was it: • The Religious development of Western Europe? • The Political development of Western Europe? • The Economic development of Western Europe? • The Intellectual development of Western Europe (this might include philosophy or mentality, as well as scientific, technological, or medical developments) • Is there any area in which you believed Western European society remained the same? You can take any position you choose to answer this question, but: • You must choose ONE development. Do not try to argue for them all.

Intellectual development of Western Europe

You must draw evidence for your chosen development from at least 15-20 of the approximately 54 primary sources that we have considered over the source of the semester (Some of your sources can be works of art or music, but you must also refer to some of the primary source texts you were assigned to read this semester, or those you selected for your Discussion Board posts. Please note that sources that were not assigned this semester will NOT count toward your required number of 15-20 sources).


You MUST adhere to the principles of academic integrity, and not draw your arguments from any secondary works on the internet. A plagiarized paper cannot earn academic credit. https://youtu.be/9C1x76jW4IM

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Evolutionary biology assignment 2022 Best

Evolutionary biology assignment

BIOL 4111  evolutionary biology assignment we will explore unresolved ‘How’ question in evolutionary biology.  We will use a total of at least 12 scientific sources cited (research articles, books, scientific and reputable internet resources)

Evolutionary biology assignment

BIOL 4111 Evolution: Thinking essay assignment.   Ask a good, difficult, and unresolved ‘How’ question in evolutionary biology. The question must require more information/research than has been presented in class to solve/answer.  Perform the literature review and research to present a possible solution o Cite at least 8 primary research articles; review articles are OK o A total of at least 12 scientific sources cited (research articles, books, scientific and reputable internet resources) • Organize your essay into three sections:

Evolutionary biology assignment

Why the question is relevant and important (20 points)  Discuss why this is a relevant and important question in evolutionary biology  Provide a historical perspective, and review the scientific progress in the area  Discuss the current state of the problem, and what remains to be solved o The possible solution (35 points)  Using the research you’ve conducted, discuss a possible answer to your question  Do this methodically, citing good, relevant sources  This section must show a synthesis of ideas and critical evaluation. Original thinking must be demonstrated o Testing the solution (15 points)

Evolutionary biology assignment

Describe an experiment which can support the solution you proposed. Describe the experimental design (hypothesis, methods, data collection, analysis) in detail such that the experiment can be completed  Discuss how the experimental data and results can be used to assess the solution you proposed • General requirements (10 points) o No title page o 11 font at 1.15 spacing throughout o 8-10 pages of words (not including the Works Cited page) o At least 12 scientific sources cited.

Evolutionary biology assignment

Follow the CSE guidelines for citations • Overall quality (20 points) o A good, difficult question was proposed o Critical, original thinking demonstrated o Information framed, and flowed effectively; ideas conjoined to create a complete, critical evaluation of the topic o Clear, scientific exposition o Please do not plagiarize https://youtu.be/Lq7N5IEfKYc

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Environmental issues 2022 Best

Environmental issues

This paper explores Environmental issues, the aim of this assignment is to write a layman summary of new technical reports published on a specific environmental issue (e.g. check the latest Global Biodiversity Outlook 2020Links to an external site.).

Environmental issues

Pick one of the environmental issues that we have discussed in the proceeding class and focus either on a country that you are from or that is of interest to you. Refrain picking the countries that are well-covered by international and national media. Unless you feel that there is something more to add on recent developments or to cover from a different perspective. You can address the topic in multiple ways – Comprehensive overview of an issue addressing from the scientific, community, social, cultural, historical and political perspective. Write a layman summary of new technical reports published on a specific environmental issue (e.g. check the latest Global Biodiversity Outlook 2020Links to an external site.).

Environmental issues

Report an issue that you find it is interesting through talking to concerned people and write a summary of it (talk to individuals from different communities or more people from the same community) Key points will be considered while grading the assignment When you make a claim, make sure you substantiate your claim with evidence, supporting arguments and counterarguments. Avoid personal opinions. Focus on the scientific, political, economic, social, and cultural aspect of the issue.

Environmental issues

Not necessarily, each article must list all the items but try to give a complete picture Scientific integrity of the article – make sure you use consistent units, and at the beginning of the article, give the full explanation of units (e.g. microgramme per cubic metre (μg/m3)).  Make sure the units remained consistent throughout the article. Use tables, figures and images. At least 10-15 references of peer-reviewed articles, reports, and government documents. Follow either APA (Griffin, 2000) or numbered style [1] Style and Format Total number of words – 800-1000 words (not more) Include a solid lead, facts and properly attributed quotes.

Environmental issues

Use APA style, double space, 1” margins, 12-point font. Include news story format: name, date, page numbers, etc. Short, simple sentences are always better than long, complicated ones. Active voice is always preferable to passive voice. Direct, concrete statements are better than vague, indirect statements. Write for an educated general audience, not for me or for classmates who have read the material. Along the same lines, avoid jargon. Above all, make everything you write lively and interesting!https://youtu.be/0VHPkv8ZQQI


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