Take Home Exam – Mini Essay
Take Home Exam
As with any exam, please read over all instructions and questions carefully before beginning. This exam invites you to write four mini-essay responses, worth five marks each. This will make up the twenty marks of the total exam. Each mini-essay should be at least 500 words in length. For a total exam submission that is about 2000 words long. Be sure to answer the questions you have chosen as completely as you can. Considering more than one angle, and referring to specific relevant course concepts. In addition materials such as the lectures, readings, screenings, audio materials. Also other resources discussed in class to back up your response. Also, please make sure to support each answer with at least two specific course materials from different weeks in your response.
Please choose four of the following mini-essay topics to answer, in at least 500 words each.1) Making use of specific course authors and concepts we have discussed this year, what are some of the promising and problematic aspects of social media when it comes to democracy? What characteristics and uses of social media create opportunities for more democratic participation. Also which hinder or limit democratic discussion and action?. Please make sure to support your answer with at least two specific course materials from different weeks in your response. 2) Informed by the different readings and other materials we’ve looked at this term. How would you say engaging with social media might influence and shape our individual identities?. For example, how might different practices of self-imaging, profile-building, algorithmic profiling, and otherwise communicating online play a role in how we see ourselves and how others see us?.
Further Description
Please make sure to support your answer with at least two specific course materials from different weeks in your response. 3) We’ve discussed this semester how social media . Consequently digital culture more generally can offer comfort, distraction, connection, and escape during difficult times. This is exemplified lately by the ongoing global pandemic. On the other hand, we have also looked at how distancing or detoxing from social media and digital culture might also be a welcome escape or provide helpful balance. Using course authors to bolster your comments. You are invited here to reflect on your own pandemic experiences, uses, and observations of social media.
What have you learned about the roles social media can play in a pandemic context, both on a more societal level, and an individual one for you? If we compare the COVID-19 pandemic to earlier pandemics that played out before the existence of social media, what might be some of the major differences that social media bring to living in and through a global pandemic, both positively and problematically? Please make sure to support your answer by referring to at least two specific course materials from different weeks in your response. (exam continues on next page).
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