Principles of the United Nations 2023 Best

Part A: United Nations. Read the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact ( Links to an external site.) urging corporations to develop a “principled approach to doing business.”

Principles of the United Nations

Part A: United Nations. Read the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact ( Links to an external site.) urging corporations to develop a “principled approach to doing business.” The principles cover human rights, labor, the environment, and corruption. Identify principles that are not honored by U.S. business. Identify principles that are honored by U.S. businesses, but not are not recognized in other countries. Despite these inconsistencies, discuss whether this UN effort is valuable or harmful.

Principles of the United Nations

Part B: The topic is child trafficking. This paper should be 1,000 to 1,500 words. Successful papers will include the following: Introduction that grips the reader and indicates the purpose of the essay (the subject you’re interested in) Thesis statement (main idea statement) that gives the essay an identifiable purpose (why these events (or one event) led you to be the person you are with regard to your “hidden intellectualism” and interest). Focus on the narrative event/purpose that does not stray from the point Narrative elements like setting, characterization, description including sensory description, and dialogue (see the resources noted above for more about how to do this). First person point of view.

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