Terrorism incidents 2022Best

This assignment involves answering questions on terrorism incidents. These are the 3 questions: 1.What does it mean for an act or a type of act to be distinctively wrong? Explain in your own words what Scheffler thinks is distinctively wrong about terrorism, and what Kamm would say in response to Scheffler’s proposal.

Terrorism incidents

Need these questions to be answered based on the readings attached also the citations needs to be only from the readings. Up to 7 citations or more. First and second question 1000 words and the third 1500, in total 3500 words. These are the 3 questions: 1.What does it mean for an act or a type of act to be distinctively wrong? Explain in your own words what Scheffler thinks is distinctively wrong about terrorism, and what Kamm would say in response to Scheffler’s proposal. Which author do you agree with on this point? (1,000 words) 2.What are the necessary and sufficient criteria for a war to be considered just, on the traditional conception of jus ad bellum?

Terrorism incidents

Explain McMahan’s no sense argument in your own words, and come up with your own original example (real or imaginary) of a case in which the no sense argument applies. Then explain whether you find the argument convincing in the case you describe. (1,000 words) 3.How does Manne define misogyny? What is the ameliorative approach to defining a concept? How does Manne use this approach to advocate for her definition of misogyny? Does Kamm think that the defenselessness of the torture victim should be part of the definition of the concept of torture? Why or why not? Give an argument for or against Kamm’s position using the ameliorative approach to defining a concept. (1,500 words). https://youtu.be/1aRe-dEF2TI

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