The Alaska Arctic Policy and the Implementation Plan
The Alaska Arctic Policy and the Implementation Plan
The assignment called for this: Your overall assessment of the Alaska Arctic Policy and the Implementation Plan (in brief).Scenario: In the Alaska Legislature, there is a new committee on Arctic Policy, Economic Development & Tourism ( The members have decided that it’s time to revise the 2015 Final Report. Of the Alaska Arctic Policy Commission and to update the 2015 Implementation Plan for Alaska’s Arctic Policy. However, none of the legislators have time to focus on this right now. Since Alaska’s budget issues continue to be difficult and there’s a lot of unfinished business from the last session due to Covid-19.
You have been asked by the committee chair Rep. John Lincoln to look at the reports, assess them, and provide some recommendations for a new report. He wants to understand the strengths and weaknesses in the “Strategic Lines of Effort” laid out in the report and implementation plan. What would you recommend be deleted, changed, and/or added? What is missing in the strategic recommendations? The chair has asked several analysts to take a look at this report, so you do not have to respond to all four Strategic Lines of Effort. Instead, he’d like you to pick TWO that you feel most capable of critiquing and strengthening. If you want to propose an entirely new Strategic Line of Effort, that works too, but then he’d like you to include strategic recommendations (like those starting on page 6 of the Implementation Plan document).
Further Description
Assignment: Prepare a short (2 page single-spaced) briefing memo for Representative Lincoln. Share the following:1) Your overall assessment of the Alaska Arctic Policy and the Implementation Plan (in brief).2) . For TWO of the Strategic Lines of Effort: a. Strengths and Weaknesses b. What needs to be changed (or deleted or added)OR3) Critique one of the Strategic Lines of Effort and add a new one. For the new one be sure to include new strategic recommendations. READ THIS: For all of these you should have some evidence for your points of view. This can come from readings we’ve done for class or outside materials. Be sure to present the information in a readable format with clear headings, and put any references on a separate page in case Rep. Lincoln or one of the other members wants to do more in depth reading on your topics.
Alaska Arctic Policy Commission Final Report1. 2015.pdfAlaska Arctic Policy Commission Implementation Plan2. documents/AAPC_ImplementationPlan_lowres.pdf3. TWO of the Strategic Lines of Effort. Strengths and Weaknesses What needs to be changed (or deleted or added). Then I’m looking for you to pick apart two of the strategic lines of effort very internationally and specifically, as specified in the assignment
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