The Arab-Israeli Conflict
Assignment Topic: the Arab-Israeli Conflict
POL 136: The Arab-Israeli Conflict Spring 2020 Final Examination Part 1: Essay Please select one of the two following questions. Think about your answer and plan it before you start writing. A well written and well structured answer will have an important effect on your grade. Please supplement your arguments by examples and rely on the relevant literature where appropriate. No more than four one-sided small blue book pages per answer. This part accounts for 40% of the grade. 1. First, what are the key trends in Israeli and Palestinian public opinion with respect to a possible Israeli-Palestinian settlement?. Also how do they compare to each other?.
What might be the explanation for these trends?. Consequently, how do these trends affect the prospect of resumption of peace negotiations? 2. Select two key turning points in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict (e.g., World War I, the 1948 war, the Six Day War, the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, the Oslo Agreement, the Al Aqsa Intifada). In what way has each of these watershed events affected (a) domestic Israeli politics, and (b) domestic Arab or Palestinian politics? Part 2: Short Essays Please select two out of the three following questions. Be concise and clear. No more than one page per answer. This part accounts for 30% of the grade.
Key points
What is the key argument of Maoz about the impact of the military establishment versus the Foreign Ministry on Israeli national security and foreign policy? 2. What are the Israeli and Palestinian one-state solutions? How do they differ? 3. What is the difference between terrorism and guerrilla warfare? Provide examples from the Arab-Israeli conflict. Part 3: Concepts Define and state the significance of five out of the following concepts and items. No more than one paragraph per concept. This part accounts for 30% of the grade. 1. King Abdullah of Jordan 2. Policy of Nuclear Ambiguity 3. The Status Quo agreement 4. PFLP 5. Sadat’s interim agreement initiative 6. The Saudi Initiative (2002) 7. Balfour Declaration 8. U.N. Resolution 242 Good Luck!
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