The change process. 2022 Best

For todays assignment we will focus on the change process. To complete Written Assignment 2, you will return to the paper and situation you described in Written Assignment 1. Using that paper as your case study, provide an analysis that clearly identifies and describes pressures that may have necessitated the need for the change to occur.

The change process.

Paper details: To complete Written Assignment 2, you will return to the paper and situation you described in Written Assignment 1. Using that paper as your case study, provide an analysis that clearly identifies and describes pressures that may have necessitated the need for the change to occur. Discuss both internal and external pressures and how each played a role (or not) in the change process. Look to isolate the pressures and discuss each in detail. Following this, return to Chapter 2 of the text and select an image/approach of change management that you believe was evident in this change initiative selecting from among the following:

The change process.

Change manager as director, Change manager as navigator, Change manager as caretaker, Change manager as coach, Change manager as interpreter, and Change manager as nurturer. Explain how and why you believe this image of change management was used and if you believe it was the most appropriate. Justify your thoughts. If you believe that another image might have been better, explain why and how that might have improved the situation. Write a 750-1000 word (approximately 3-4 pages) double-spaced analysis be sure to cite supporting information according to APA. Textbook info:

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