The Church’s Future – Response Paper
The Church’s Future
Response Paper 3, the focus of which is “The Church’s Future,” will follow the same format as the previous papers. The content of the paper will be based on the selected chapter (the one for which you signed up to make your presentation) from the book Future Faith. Please note: This is a response paper, not a research paper. As a response paper, you are reflecting on the theme or idea you have identified. You are also drawing out the implications of its continuing importance. As a response paper, it is not simply meant to summarize the material. But rather interact with it critically, drawing your own conclusions. Since this a response paper, you should not be turning to outside resources but using the selected chapter from Future Faith.
If you quote from, indirectly refer to, or paraphrase material from the text. It should be cited with in-text notation (See MLA formatting guidelines). Since you will not be using sources beyond Future Faith, there is no need to create a Works Cited page as long as your in-text references are clearly identified. The following guidelines, taken from the course syllabus, provide a general outline of expectations for the paper. The papers will focus our attention on significant aspects of the required reading and assignments. The papers are to be a 2-3 page response paper (double-spaced with one inch margins and an MLA format header on the first page).Response papers are personal reflections on the required reading and can be based on any idea or theme that you encounter that sparks your imagination.
Further Description
The primary purpose of these assignments is twofold: to engage students in the enjoyment of learning and to encourage students to discover ideas and themes on their own. Your grade for response papers will be based upon the following: thoroughness of analysis of the primary source: Did you dig deep into the text and try to (1) clearly and methodically summarize what the author says, (2) explain how the ideas presented may relate to your understanding of the church’s history and/or interactions with the broader culture, and (3) offer an assessment of the author’s conclusions. Remember, you can write too little for these papers, but definitely not too much.
Clarity of written communication: Did you write in well-organized paragraphs? Did you use proper English grammar and punctuation? After writing your paper, be sure to go back and read it over once or twice to check for mistakes. Also check lack of clarity before submitting it onto Canvas. Referencing the primary source: Be sure to cite from the text that you are reading throughout your paper. Texts can simply be cited using the author’s last name and page number(s): i.e., (Granberg-Michaelson 25). (Please note: No comma or abbreviation for the word page after the author’s name.)
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