The Civil war and Emancipation 2022 Best

The Civil war and Emancipation (chapters 13 and 14). Lecture Slides Give Me Liberty! Sixth Brief Edition Eric Foner. Answer the following question(s) in paragraph form.

The Civil war and Emancipation

The Civil war and Emancipation (chapters 13 and 14). Lecture Slides Give Me Liberty! Sixth Brief Edition Eric Foner. Answer the following question(s) in paragraph form. You should include information from your textbook readings, primary source material, or articles in your MODULES section. Make sure you use actual examples from the assigned reading for the week. Be concise and detailed in your answer. A general rule is a one-paragraph minimum per question, though you may write as much as you like. Please respond to your fellow students. How did the nation accept the ideology and legality of emancipation for blacks?

The Civil war and Emancipation

Was there a difference in the legal and social aspects of emancipation? Did this differ from North and South? Why? Citation Guide for Discussions • Remember the period is placed after the last parentheses. • Page numbers and dates in this guide are an example. Foner textbook: (Foner, 25) or (25) Lecture Notes: (Rayner, 9/5) or (Lecture, 9/5) Any direct quote: (Author Name, Page Number) • Example: (Washington, 25), any primary source from Voice of Freedom.

The Civil war and Emancipation

Use quotation marks Documents: (Name or Author) • Example: Nevada Constitution (NV Const) or U.S. Constitution (USC) Video: (Video, 1) The number is the MODULE) • Example: Video from MODULE 1 Companion Notes: (Comp Notes) Image: Chapter where the image is obtained. • Example: (Image, Ch 3) Please ask if you are unclear how to cite a source!

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