The impact of policy on education. 2022 Best
This is a research proposal that investigates the impact of policy on education. The aim is to empirically investigate the effectiveness of government’s intervention in education. We will analyze the impact of the selected policy against the policy’s set objectives such as; Students’ performance, students’ enrolment, labour market outcome
The impact of policy on education.
Paper details: Research proposal based on the following: Education Economics: Investigating the impact of policy/intervention on education Students will be able to empirically investigate the effectiveness of government’s intervention in education. We will analyze the impact of the selected policy against the policy’s set objectives such as; Students’ performance, students’ enrolment, labour market outcome, teachers’ employment amongst others. Not limited to the under listed but study may include:
The impact of policy on education.
Empirical analysis of individual-level data in education (cross section, dynamic panel or unstructured data from the web/social media). • Establishing the link between policy variables and labour market outcome of the affected people. • Identifying associated difficulties with investigating selected policy. • Investigating possible policy errors. • Investigating the impact of education on any other economic variable of interest.
The impact of policy on education.
Using Machine Learning to predict students’ outcome, amongst others Students will be allowed to choose any educational policy that is of interest to them provided required data for analysis is openly available. This will develop students’ analytical skills that may be equally useful in Health Economics, Labour Economics, and general policy evaluation.
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