The philosophy John Dewey. 2022 Best

For this assignment we will explore the philosophy John Dewey. John Dewey (1859-1952) was an educator, philosopher, and psychologist who held strong beliefs regarding progressive education.

The philosophy John Dewey.

John Dewey (1859-1952) was an educator, philosopher, and psychologist who held strong beliefs regarding progressive education. As a social critic and political activist he claimed through experience man learns about the world and can make it better for society; and that students should be involved in real life tasks and challenges to learn. As an adult student you have undoubtedly encountered or engaged in both of these aspects of Dewey’s philosophy. What are your thoughts regarding this perspective held by Dewey? Do you agree or disagree?

The philosophy John Dewey.

What would you add, and how or why would you add to his perspective? How (if so) has education enhanced your academic, professional, or personal life and well-being? Provide sound examples. You will submit a three-page essay, doubled-spaced, 12-font. No need for title page or abstract. Be sure to appropriately use APA citation for any sources used. The essay will discuss the meaningful ways in which education has enhanced your academic, professional, or personal life.–JXog

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