La Seine était rouge- Discussion
Study, and discuss how this text , La Seine était rouge/ The Seine was Red is linked to this course’s topics
Description- La Seine était rouge
Study, and discuss how this text , La Seine était rouge/ The Seine was Red is linked to this course’s topics 4 pages minimum, double-spaced, one inch margins, 12 pt Times or Palatino. Please upload a word document. I have uploaded hand-outs to help you write a well-structured and organized essay. The essay does not have to follow the narrative in order. Just determine the elements (limit them to the 3 most important ones) that best answer the question, and find the characteristics that best illustrate your point, and explain why and how the meaning is achieved . Avoid repeating what the text says in a different way. Transition from one point to the other by concluding the preceding point and introducing the next point.
Further Guidelines
Introductions and Conclusions are important, too. In the introduction (like the word indicates), you present the topics you are going to study, and in the Conclusion , you show how you have achieved proving your points. The hand-out “How to write an essay” provides you with tools but the elements described might not all be found in any givent text. Most of the work is done prior to writing the essay itself. Read the text several times, take notes, organize in topics, which will be the parts of the body of your essay. Prove your points by referring back to the lines (and not the other way around). It is always a good idea to write a detailed outline before composing an essay. Whether you like or dislike a text is not relevant to an essay.
Also, do not judge whether an author “did a good job” or not. I saw you had some questions in Discussion Board. La Seine était rouge is the title in French. It is the one and same book. As for the topics, they have to be determined by you. Choose two or three topics tackled in the course in the hand-outs and/or lyrics that are relevant to the novel. You have to first read the novel, then determine which topics are common with the course.
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