The Yellow Wallpaper by Perkins Gilman. 2022 Best

The aim of this assignment is to conduct a literally analysis on the Yellow Wallpaper by Perkins Gilman. Paper instructions: final paper is supposed to be a LITERARY, not a Social Science, research paper.

The Yellow Wallpaper by Perkins Gilman.

The Yellow Wallpaper by Perkins Gilman. Paper instructions: final paper is supposed to be a LITERARY, not a Social Science, research paper. You may use social science data to support your thesis, but ultimately you will be presenting a LITERARY ANALYSIS of a work of fiction. If you simply turn in a PLOT SUMMARY, instead of a critical analysis with a clearly stated thesis, you will receive an F as a grade. You will use, a minimum of three (3) peer reviewed, literary secondary sources to support your thesis. In your paper, you will analyze one of the works of fiction studied in this course–NOT a social issue.

The Yellow Wallpaper by Perkins Gilman.

Papers should follow the most current MLA guidelines. During the semester, you will be required to attend an MLA workshop offered by the Writing Center. You will also be required to attend a tutoring/mentoring session with me or with one of the professional tutors at the Writing Center in order to work on your draft revision (tutoring sessions may be face-to-face or synchronous via Zoom, or fully online). The final, revised, version of your research paper should be eight to ten (8-10) pages long (body/text only)—no more, no fewer. You may submit your paper anytime during the semester, but no later than the due date.

The Yellow Wallpaper by Perkins Gilman.

Papers submitted early on may be revised as often as you care to revise them. Again, late or short work will not be accepted and you will receive a 0 for the assignment. All papers will be turned in via Blackboard in the ASSIGNMENTS section. If you are not familiar with BB, contact the Distance Learning Office help desk immediately. Ignorance is not an acceptable excuse! You can choose your own topic for this paper. The only requirement is that you write a literary research paper with a focus on one of the stories we analyzed in this course (THE YELLOW WALLPAPER by Perkins Gilman).

The Yellow Wallpaper by Perkins Gilman.

You may compare one of our readings to another book and/or movie not coved in this course but your focus must be on a work read in this course. You MUST use, at least, 3 (three) PEER REVIEWED, SECONDARY SOURCES to support your thesis. IF YOU FAIL TO INCLUDE 3 (three), PROPERLY DOCUMENTED, PEER REVIEWED SECONDARY SOURCES in your paper, your grade will be a 0 (zero). If you are not sure of what a “literary research paper” is, then go to the Purdue Owl Writing Lab and read the MLA site directions/guidelines/examples. PLEASE USE: The Yellow Wallpaper by Perkins Gilman.

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