Theatre and film studies 2022 Best

Theatre and film studies assignment focuses on the following prompt: You have a close friend who is coming to visit and who has had very little experience with theatre. You have just taken an introduction to theatre class and are excited about live theatre.

Theatre and film studies

Essay Prompt: You have a close friend who is coming to visit and who has had very little experience with theatre. You have just taken an introduction to theatre class and are excited about live theatre. You want to share your knowledge and enthusiasm with your friend. Compose this assignment from the point of view of, “I need to tell you about this.” So first person referencing is okay. Question 1 requires simple information only about the second live play you attended. Then proceed to address the following four questions/prompts. Prompt one should be a list, but the rest (prompts 2-4) should be rendered in essay form, albeit slightly informal.

Theatre and film studies

In other words, NOT in a bullet point format. Performance information (play-going #2) a. Name of play and playwright b. Producing organization (theatre company) c. Venue (name of the building/theatre where the performance took place) d. Date of performance you attended e. Director’s name f. For Musicals: Composer and lyricist Give a description of the second play you attended. Include specific opinions about the elements we have covered this term with samples from what you observed – writing, acting, directing, design. How did it or did it not appeal to you as an audience member? What can you tell your friend to convince them to see it or deter them from wanting to see it?

Theatre and film studies

Again, be specific. Compare the two live shows you witnessed this term and explain to your friend which experience made a greater impact on you and why. Further include references to Crucible and Macbeth if you wish as you also render to your friend something about how your experience in this course has brought to to understand something new or broadened your perspective or altered your opinion about your relationship to live theatre. Imagine your are trying to interest or excite that person. Use citations from the plays, examples from your reading or experiences you have had to justify your choices in the questions above.

Theatre and film studies

The thoughtfulness and depth of your answers, supported by the insights you’ve gained this quarter and the examples will be the basis for your grade. Stylistically, please remember a few things: Make sure you underline or italicize play titles (not quotations marks) whenever you reference the play’s title. If you reference an actor, director or designer, include their character or function and then full name in your first reference. Last name only in subsequent references. Remember you can only speak for your experience, not the entire audience.

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