Themes in Suetonius writing. 2022 Best

In this essay, you are to craft an argument about themes in Suetonius writing. You are to choose a single theme that you can detect in the three biographies, describe how that theme manifests in each of those biographies, and then explain how seeing and understanding that theme helps an ancient historian navigate biographies as useful, historical sources.

Themes in Suetonius writing.

Write an essay. The essay should be around four pages (some flexibility regarding length will be granted depending on the quality of the essay and the needs of its argument). It should be double-spaced. It should be typed with a reasonable font. The essay must reflect that you have thoroughly read the text. The citations you use to support your arguments should also reflect that you are thinking with the whole text and not just a small portion of it. Citations for Suetonius are simple. You need only mention the life and the sub-chapter. You may choose to use either footnotes or parenthetical citation.

Themes in Suetonius writing.

If you use any books, articles, websites, or texts beyond Suetonius Twelve Caesars itself, I refer you to the History Department’s style guide. There is, however, no 1 need to use any other text for this essay. In this essay, you are to craft an argument about themes that are commonly found in Suetonius’ writing. You are to choose a single theme that you can detect in the three biographies, describe how that theme manifests in each of those biographies, and then explain how seeing and understanding that theme helps an ancient historian navigate biographies as useful, historical sources. You need to cite specific examples of the theme in each of the biographies that you are using.

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