Waste and Pollution. 2023 Best
This paper explore waste and Pollution. Pollution has been a complex and difficult environmental problem for great part of the history of humanity. Its complexity and the need to properly manage it has gained more importance in current times.
Waste and Pollution.
Take-Home Assignment: Waste and Pollution (15% of final grade). Pollution has been a complex and difficult environmental problem for great part of the history of humanity. Its complexity and the need to properly manage it has gained more importance in current times. If we aim to keep our planet livable for us, we need to explore more the problems and possible solutions related to Waste and Pollution in connection to our society and our planetary resources. Before you start: Background. For this Assignment, you need to apply a “Systems Thinking” mindset. This will help you better understand the interconnections of different parts of complex problems.
Waste and Pollution.
It also increases the awareness of how our actions may be contributing to a problem we may want to solve. To understand the basics of what System Thinking is, watch the following videos: Systems-thinking: A Little Film About A Big Idea. By Cabrera Research Lab… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sfiReUu3o0 What is Systems Thinking? By Sustainability Science Education… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FW6MXqzeg7M What is Systems Thinking? By The Open University… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQKCkIEVKQU Systems Thinking 101.
Waste and Pollution.
By Anna Justice, at TEDxFurmanU… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNASybOzruM In order to deepen the analysis that you should perform for the assignment, please make use of the “Iceberg Model” mentioned in two of the videos as well. For more information on what the Iceberg Model is, and as a guideline for how to apply it in your work, watch this other video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Te1VYXqUH_c Practising the Iceberg Model and the System Thinking mindset can be useful for you as you build your ‘career-ready’ toolkit! What To Do: Instructions. You will explore with a System-Thinking mindset, the current problem of Waste and Pollution in Canada.
Waste and Pollution.
You will select and explore the challenges and impacts related to one form of Waste and Pollution currently affecting Canada. Please, select one of the possible forms of Waste and Pollution for exploration in this assignment from the list (alphabetically ordered) shown here: • Air Pollution • Electronic Waste • Food Waste • Textile Waste • Plastic Waste • Water/Soil Pollution You should explore the challenges, impacts and possible solutions related to your selection, in context to its most current status/condition. Note that the scope is NOT strictly to advocate for a particular solution, but to explore the attempted solutions and their challenges for the selected type of Waste and Pollution.
Waste and Pollution.
Keep your exploration as focused as possible to the current scenario within Canada (it can be a specific location, or for the whole country). If needed, you can also refer to other scenarios from other countries/regions for comparison. You should upload your assignment as a Word or PDF document (700-900 words, in 12 point-fonts). No other formats are accepted. Write a Report addressing the following questions/headings: • INTRODUCTION TO THE PROBLEM: This is the introduction to your work. Identify one possible problem/challenge happening within Canada nowadays, in relation to your selection. How do you describe the challenge?
Waste and Pollution.
What possible connections it has with other problems? • HISTORY: What is the history and expectations of the selected form of Waste and Pollution, in relation to the current challenge? What patterns or trends could be identified? • IMPACTS: What are the impacts at social, environmental and economic levels? Who has been most impacted? • CAUSES: What are some of the root causes? Could you identify structural issues, or mental models that are causing the challenge under analysis? • SOLUTIONS: How has the challenge been addressed? Are there unaddressed obstacles? Have there been any successful attempts (even if partially) to address this challenge, either in Canada or somewhere else? https://youtu.be/1CSm4GG2VrU
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