Weather and Climate- American Meteorological Society
Weather and Climate
Weather and Climate. This assignment has you visiting the Truax Library to read over an article of your choice from the Bulletin of American Meteorological Society from the collection available. Please check through the available journals and select and article of your choosing. On-line lists of the articles of this publication can be found at: (Look for the top that says “Issues” – you can look at back issues!) • Choose any full-length article that interests you. • Do NOT choose from other sections of the journal (e.g. “In Box” or “Essay” or “Nowcast” etc.) If you do, you risk losing points on this assignment! • Also, please adhere to the College’s academic honesty policy!! Any issues over the last 10 years to the present issue can be in use for this assignment.
Further Description
From this article, you will: 1. Provide a short summary of a full-length article. Including some details about the topic and what area of meteorology this is a part of (climate, weather forecasting, etc.). In addition, you will denote if this is new information for you or if this is something you knew something about already. 2. Please list and describe three things that you learned from the article that you did not know about before reading this. 3. As a part of your essay, answer these questions: o Is this article discussing a topic important to society? If so, how so? If not, how is it falling short? Specifications: Number of pages: 2 to no more than 3 Spacing: single space Font: 10 to 12 points Margins: 1 inch (all sides).
Additionally include your name, etc. at the top of the first page Assignment is turned in on the due date Evaluation: 10% Include article title, lead/first author only, and which Bulletin (volume/number/date) 25% Summary of the article include the area of meteorology it covers 25% List and describe two to three things learned…(above in bold underline) 25% Answer the questions listed above… 15% Meet the specifications listed above…(above in bold) 100% This assignment is worth 5% of your final grade in this course
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