WSU Programs – Argumentative Essay
WSU students
Identify a program or service that you think WSU should provide to WSU students to prevent high dropout rates Here is an example that might stimulate your thinking. As we know from the Big Question, some have more than others. Many students struggle to pay for their education. Here is what one student, named Todd Rose, wrote about his experience. The quote below is from the book The End of Average. The passage tells the story of one Weber State student, but hundreds of students have a similar story. I cannot think of another university that does a better job with students like this. Weber State should be proud.
“When I started college in Ogden, Utah, I was desperate for a way out of a life of hardship and welfare. I needed a path to a better career that would allow me to provide for my wife and two sons, this pathway needed to fit my incredibly tight financial constraints. Enrolling at University was the first step on this path, but nothing about my education came easy. During my first two years at college, I took all my courses at night so I could continue working a full-time job during the day. Even so, my meager wages cooking bagels and selling electronics were never enough to cover all my family’s needs. Each month, without fail, we had to pick one bill not to pay. My wife sold as much blood plasma as she was legally allowed. I borrowed diapers from neighbors.
We stole toilet paper from public restrooms.” Are there programs that WSU should provide to help students that are struggling to pay for their education? Are there polices that should be changed? The audience of the letter will be the president, other administrators and me (the professor).
Additional Information
To receive a grade for this assignment, you need submit your letter in a Word document and submit it through the Canvas system. The Canvas system also provides the deadline for the assignment. What follows is a list with the three important aspects that your letter must address.1. Present and describe the particular policy or practice or proposed program that you will be discussing. What are its key features?2. Analyze the importance of the policy, practice, or program for yourself. Reflect on what your recommendation would mean for you.3. Analyze the importance of the policy, practice, or program for other students.4. Use economic concepts to support your argument. This is critically important. Use economic concepts to support you argument, and state the concept you are using. Integrate the concepts we have covered to support you case.
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