Abnormal psychology and modern life. 2023 Best
This paper explores abnormal psychology and modern life. Throughout your coursework and professional career, it is extremely important that you write in your own words.
Abnormal psychology and modern life.
Throughout your coursework and professional career, it is extremely important that you write in your own words. You will often be tasked with reading psychological materials and then to incorporate the content into a paper or other type of written or oral presentation. At times, the material you are reading might be quite technical, and it may be challenging for you to present these ideas in your own words. This is your opportunity to practice this important skill. Review the following websites to learn about summarizing: • Purdue Owl: Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing • Example of a Summary.
Abnormal psychology and modern life.
Instructions: For this assignment, you will: • Read the passage (below) from your textbook. • Think about the main ideas contained in the passage. • Make a list of four (4) main ideas contained in the passage. In your own words, summarize the main ideas in paragraph form with a minimum of four (4) complete sentences. • Do not quote directly from the passage. Textbook Passage: To be human is to encounter difficulties and problems in life. A course in abnormal psychology dwells on human problems— many of them familiar. As a result, as you read this text, you may be prone to the medical student syndrome:
Abnormal psychology and modern life.
Reading about a disorder may lead you to suspect that you have the disorder or that a friend or relative has the disorder. This reaction to the study of abnormal behavior is common and important for you to recognize. Similarly, medical students reading about physical disorders sometimes begin to imagine that they have the illnesses they are studying. “DiarrheaFatigue? Trouble sleeping? That’s me!” In this way, a cluster of symptoms— no matter how mild or how briefly experienced—can lead some people to suspect that they are ill. Students who take a course that examines psychopathology are equally prone to believing that they have one or more of the mental disorders described in their text.
Abnormal psychology and modern life.
The problem is compounded by easy access to the Internet where brief research on mental disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, or anxiety can produce a multitude of descriptors that seem to fit them. It is possible, of course, that some students do have an undiagnosed psychological disorder and would benefit from counseling or therapy. Most, however, are merely experiencing an exaggerated sense of their vulnerability to disorders. Two influences in particular may make us susceptible to imagining that we have a disorder. One is the universality of the human experience. All of us have experienced misfortunes in life.
Abnormal psychology and modern life.
Depressed mood following the loss of a loved one or anxiety before giving a speech to a large audience are perfectly normal reactions. We can all remember and relate to feelings of fear, apprehension, unhappiness, or euphoria. In most cases, however, these feelings are normal reactions to life situations, not symptoms of illness. Summarize this paragraph in your own words and include the following reference citation for your textbook below your summary: Sue, D., Sue, D. W., Sue, S., & Sue, D. M. (2016). Understanding abnormal behavior (11th ed.). Requirements: • Incorporate all main ideas into your own words. • Use appropriate APA placement and style for in-text citations and the reference. • Complete your work in a Microsoft Word document. https://youtu.be/ei5xyV4leMM
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