Adult Attachment Interview. 2022 Best
The final assignment is about adult attachment interview. Students are asked to Interview a person using the AAI, and to describe the clients past, history, attachment style, followed by an etiological hypothesis (using theories that were studied in class) and therapeutic possibilities.
Adult Attachment Interview.
Adult Attachment Interview.. Final Assignment: Interview and Case Study Students are asked to Interview a person using the AAI, and to describe the clients past, history, attachment style, followed by an etiological hypothesis (using theories that were studied in class) and therapeutic possibilities. Part 1: Possible goals for therapy (3-8 lines): Based on the interview that was made, students are asked to think of possible goals that might be achieved via therapy. Part 2: Background (1/2- 1 page): Based on the AAI interview, all relevant information on the interviewee development and history should be presented here.
Adult Attachment Interview.
Part 3: Attachment style (1/2- 1 page): Based on the AAI interview students are asked to suggest which attachment style their interviewee has, and to explain their choice. Here quotes from the interview, as well as summary of specific answers, descriptions of countertransference as well as of the structure of the interview (for example length of the interview, resistance, long silences) are welcomed. Part 4: Etiological hypothesis (1/2-1 page): How the case study might be explained using different theories that were studied in class? Please try to at least two theories to demonstrate how the client’s background is related to his current symptoms.
Adult Attachment Interview.
Part 5: Counselling method (1/2-1 page): How can this client be helped? Please use different theories. Part 6: Summary and conclusions (3-10 lines): Please present a short summary, and at least one insight related to the case (For example: What did you study from the case study? Which theories are useful for understanding the case that was presented? Why other theories are less useful? ).
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