Tag Archives: symptoms

Disease common to the organ systems. 2023 Best

Disease common to the organ systems.

Pathophysiology paper involves analyzing a disease common to the organ systems. Introduction to the disease and the organ system (history, signs, symptoms, epidemiology etc.) Discussion of the normal anatomy and physiology of the organ system involved (cell and tissue populations involved, organs, primary functions, connections to other body systems)

Disease common to the organ systems.

A and P Pathophysiology Paper. You will pick a disease for your pathophysiology paper. The disease must be for one of the organ systems covered this term listed in the syllabus. Select a disease from current events that is an emerging or reemerging concern to you or people in your area. Provide local epidemiological data for the disease. Paper Format The paper must be in APA format. You must have a title page. You must have 2-5 pages in the body of the paper. You must have a reference page. The total of the paper with the title page, body, and reference should be 4-7 pages. You cannot submit a paper previously written for this or any other class.

Disease common to the organ systems.

Just a reminder that plagiarism is not permitted. You must submit your own work! Don’t forget to provide your in-text citations. Your paper must include: Introduction to the disease and the organ system (history, signs, symptoms, epidemiology etc.) Discussion of the normal anatomy and physiology of the organ system involved (cell and tissue populations involved, organs, primary functions, connections to other body systems) Discussion of the changes to the anatomy and physiology as a result of the disease (pathophysiology). Discussion of treatment/prevention options 3 primary and at least 2 secondary scholarly sources. https://youtu.be/cQIU0yJ8RBg

Disease common to the organ systems.

For information about APA formatting and citations visit the GMC Library Guide on Citation Management at http://gmcga.libguides.com/citationmanagement. List of Body Systems Covered in BIO 207: tissues integumentary skeletal muscular nervous special senses List of Possible Topics: – You are encouraged to choose a disease that is NOT on the list below. The list below is some that can be chosen, but you are not limited to this list. Cancer (select a specific type) HIV/AIDS Rheumatoid arthritis/osteoarthritis Muscular dystrophy Fibromyalgia ALS Alzheimer’s Disease Multiple Sclerosis Spinal cord injuries Tourette syndrome Parkinson’s disease Huntington’s disease Meningitis Sickle Cell disease

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Adult Attachment Interview. 2022 Best

Adult Attachment Interview.

The final assignment is about adult attachment interview. Students are asked to Interview a person using the AAI, and to describe the clients past, history, attachment style, followed by an etiological hypothesis (using theories that were studied in class) and therapeutic possibilities.

Adult Attachment Interview.

Adult Attachment Interview.. Final Assignment: Interview and Case Study Students are asked to Interview a person using the AAI, and to describe the clients past, history, attachment style, followed by an etiological hypothesis (using theories that were studied in class) and therapeutic possibilities. Part 1: Possible goals for therapy (3-8 lines): Based on the interview that was made, students are asked to think of possible goals that might be achieved via therapy. Part 2: Background (1/2- 1 page): Based on the AAI interview, all relevant information on the interviewee development and history should be presented here.

Adult Attachment Interview.

Part 3: Attachment style (1/2- 1 page): Based on the AAI interview students are asked to suggest which attachment style their interviewee has, and to explain their choice. Here quotes from the interview, as well as summary of specific answers, descriptions of countertransference as well as of the structure of the interview (for example length of the interview, resistance, long silences) are welcomed. Part 4: Etiological hypothesis (1/2-1 page): How the case study might be explained using different theories that were studied in class? Please try to at least two theories to demonstrate how the client’s background is related to his current symptoms.

Adult Attachment Interview.

Part 5: Counselling method (1/2-1 page): How can this client be helped? Please use different theories. Part 6: Summary and conclusions (3-10 lines): Please present a short summary, and at least one insight related to the case (For example: What did you study from the case study? Which theories are useful for understanding the case that was presented? Why other theories are less useful? ).https://youtu.be/mcCm_m6hcoo

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Mental health issues. 2022 Best

Mental health issues.

For today’s assignment we will explore mental health issues. Here is the scenario: You are a mental help volunteer for the day. You have been assigned to work a four hour shift at a booth at a college organization day!

Mental health issues.

Paper instructions: Exploring mental illnesses! Jot down several mental disorders that interest you. Look for about four different disorders. I have given you the national websites as well as the local affiliate. After you look around the websites, please read the following scenario and then complete the assignment. Here is the scenario: You are a mental help volunteer for the day. You have been assigned to work a four hour shift at a booth at a college organization day!

Mental health issues.

You have free giveaways and brochures. You do not think you will be busy…it’s a wonderful cool afternoon, Friday, better yet and the campus is buzzing. It’s homecoming week! It is your job to assist and direct students to the proper website after you have listened to their description of their problem. As a volunteer, you cannot dispense advice, but you can get the students to the websites to help them. Here are the demographics of the four students you need to help: 1). An 18 year old male who is a first time freshmen on campus. His family is two hours from the college.

Mental health issues.

2). A 21 year old female who should be an upperclassmen but has been failing since her freshmen year. 3). A 30 year old white who is in his first semester in college. He is a veteran. 4). A 28 year old female who is a single mom of 3 children, ages 6-15 and works full time. Looking at the website, please create a fictitious problem the individual stopped to your table to discuss. Look at the disorders and list the symptoms. You should state if this individual is in urgent need of assistance. Then, direct the individual to the website (local) to get the help he/she needs.

Mental health issues.

Remember, you cannot diagnosis the individual, but you can point them to the website for guidance. You should have a six paragraph essay. The introduction is basically your report about what you encountered during your shift. A paragraph with at least 8 sentences about the individual’s problem, why you selected this problem and how you think the website you referred them to may help. Please make sure your disorder fits the age of the individual. Not all disorders fit everyone.

Mental health issues.

Your concluding paragraph should indicate why you selected the disorders (your level of interest) as well as why you selected the website. You can send an individual to both websites, just explain why? Have fun, pick disorders for all four students you encounter at your booth. This assignment will be work upwards of 100 points. Your writing has to be college level writing. This means that you must have a double spaced assignment with 1 inch margins top, bottom, left and right. You should use proper English, no text language and have complete sentences.

Mental health issues.

You should avoid contractions and you should provide this assessment/summary in 3rd person. No use of I…you are an outside report. Which means you will use the term, “the volunteer elected to refer individual #1, or …. to the following website. You should only put a header with your Name at the top and the page number….. https://namilouisiana.org/resources/about-mental-illness/ https://www.nami.org/About-Mental-Illness/Mental-Health-Conditions. https://youtu.be/AUWhdmKyOE8

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Brittle bone disease. 2022 Best

Brittle bone disease.

This paper explores brittle bone disease. Paper outline: • Introduction to the disease and the organ system (history, signs, symptoms, epidemiology etc.). Discussion of the normal anatomy and physiology of the organ system involved (cell and tissue populations involved, organs, primary functions, connections to other body systems)

Brittle bone disease.

OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA.Paper details: A &P Pathophysiology Paper You will pick a disease for your pathophysiology paper. The disease must be for one of the organ systems covered this term listed in the syllabus. Select a disease from current events that is an emerging or reemerging concern to you or people in your area. Provide local epidemiological data for the disease. The paper must be in APA format and 2-5 pages. Your paper must include: • Introduction to the disease and the organ system (history, signs, symptoms, epidemiology etc.)

Brittle bone disease.

Discussion of the normal anatomy and physiology of the organ system involved (cell and tissue populations involved, organs, primary functions, connections to other body systems) • Discussion of the changes to the anatomy and physiology as a result of the disease (pathophysiology) • Discussion of treatment/prevention options • 3 primary and at least 2 secondary scholarly sources For information about APA formatting and citations visit the GMC Library Guide on Citation Management at http://gmcga.libguides.com/citationmanagement https://youtu.be/7CBLY0AoqcI

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Major Depressive Disorder. 2022 Best

Major Depressive Disorder.

For this assignment we will explore a major Depressive Disorder.  Paper outline: Introduction – 1st paragraph: A. Define disorder (Using DSM-5 criteria) B. Give background of disorder C. State thesis: purpose of paper. This is the last sentence of your introduction.

Major Depressive Disorder.

Introduction – 1st paragraph: A. Define disorder (Using DSM-5 criteria) B. Give background of disorder C. State thesis: purpose of paper. This is the last sentence of your introduction. (Ex: Since depression affects approximately 100 million people worldwide, it is very important to understand the early warning signs and symptoms associated with depression.) D. List the main points you are going to discuss in the body of the paper. Make sure to have at least 3 (i.e.: causes, symptoms, and counseling treatment). You need one paragraph in the body for each point you mention in this part of the introduction.

Major Depressive Disorder.

Body : A. The 2nd portion of your paper should discuss the first point you listed in the introduction divisions. B. The next portion of your paper should discuss the 2nd point you listed. C. Continue in this pattern until you have addressed the points you listed. Conclusion – Last paragraph: A. Restate your thesis or the purpose of your paper B. Write about why this is important C. Mention future research professionals are conducting regarding this disorder D. Remember to make the conclusion similar in length to the other paragraphs. References (last page): APA 7. https://youtu.be/MZ5r99SBLrs

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Treating Asthma in kids. 2022 Best

Treating Asthma in kids.

This paper focuses on Treating Asthma in kids. Here is the assignment prompt: JJ is a 7-year-old male that has been dealing with asthma his entire life. Multiple treatments have been tried, which have helped symptoms, but nothing that works completely.

Treating Asthma in kids.

Writer’s Choice Paper details: Here is your assignment prompt: JJ is a 7-year-old male that has been dealing with asthma his entire life. Multiple treatments have been tried, which have helped symptoms, but nothing that works completely. You are treating him and know of a study regarding a new asthma medication being developed. This new medication contains a bronchodilator/steroid/antihistamine as an inhalation. None of the drugs being studied have previously been approved for children under the age of 12. The study would last for 16 weeks. In Two pages: 1. Explain the ethical and legal implications of the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved, such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and patient’s family.

Treating Asthma in kids.

2. Describe strategies to address disclosure and nondisclosure as identified in the scenario you selected. Be sure to reference laws specific to your state. 3. Explain two strategies that you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your decision making in this scenario, including whether you would disclose your error. Be sure to justify your explanation. 4. Explain the process of writing prescriptions, including strategies to minimize medication errors. https://youtu.be/a0YdpvBzFYE

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