Animal Effigy Research. 2023 Best
Animal Effigy Research. South American Cultures/ Animal Effigies. Respond in 3 full Paragraphs Per Culture: : 1. Aztec Where and when this ancient civilization existed. List these 3 important characteristics of the culture: Describe the Artifacts they Created.
Animal Effigy Research.
South American Cultures/ Animal Effigies. Respond in 3 full Paragraphs Per Culture: : 1. Aztec Where and when this ancient civilization existed. List these 3 important characteristics of the culture: Describe the Artifacts they Created. Describe their religion and system of government. Describe a ritual that this culture performed. Look up the sacrificial rituals the Aztec performed, how were these performed and how were their ceramics used in these ceremonies? Describe, and include 2 photos of animal effigies this culture created in clay. What traits of the animal did they emphasize, and how does that relate to their beliefs?
Animal Effigy Research.
Moche Where and when the ancient civilization existed. List these 3 important characteristics of the culture: Describe the Artifacts they Created. Describe their religion and system of government. c. Describe a ritual that this culture performed. 3. Look up the Moche Stirrup Pots, how did they get their name and what were they used for in ancient times? What were some of the subjects these pots represented?
4. Describe, and include 2 photos of animal effigies this culture created in clay. What traits of the animal did they emphasize, and how does that relate to their beliefs? – 10 pt VOCAB Find the definition of the following terms, and restate them in your own words: Effigy – 2pt Zoomorphic – 2pt Ceremonial Object -2pt
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