Art historian Linda Nochlin. 2023 Best

Art historian Linda Nochlin.

This  is a critical analysis of the scholarly article, “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” by the art historian Linda Nochlin. The objectives for this paper are: (1) Learn in-depth about a specific topic from our historical period of study (2) Gain an appreciation for the methods of art historical research

Art historian Linda Nochlin.

Write a critical analysis of the scholarly article, “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” by the art historian Linda Nochlin. The objectives for this paper are: (1) Learn in-depth about a specific topic from our historical period of study (2) Gain an appreciation for the methods of art historical research (3) Independently apply and contextualize knowledge acquired in the article In this paper, you are to make an argument about the scholarly article. First, you must identify and explain the argument the article advances, and then you will provide your own argument about that argument, commenting on its construction, validity, contemporary relevance, etc.

Art historian Linda Nochlin.

Begin by reading the article carefully. Before you start writing, it is essential that you understand the key points of the text. You may well need to read it two times before you even begin to organize your thoughts. During your initial readings of the article, consider the following: • What is the article’s thesis? What is she arguing for or against? • What is the author’s motivation for writing the article? What does it add to our understanding of its subject that previous studies did not? • What key points and types of evidence does the author use to support his/her thesis? Remember that while a critical analysis will contain a summary of the article, the paper is not solely a summary.

Art historian Linda Nochlin.

Your paper should have its own thesis that comments on the article’s argument. As you write your analysis, consider the following guidelines: • Introduce the work under consideration by stating the title and author. • Your introductory paragraph should contain a brief summary of the article and state your own thesis about it. • In the following paragraphs, elaborate on your initial summary and comment on the construction of the article’s argument. The structure of your paper should roughly follow the structure of the article. Jumping back and forth around the article will in all likelihood confuse your reader and lose the thread of the author’s argument.

Art historian Linda Nochlin.

How does the author support her argument? How does she use works of art as evidence? What other sources of evidence does she use? What evidence do you find especially compelling? Is any of the evidence weak or insufficient? • Support your argument by using specific passages from the article as evidence. However, be judicious in your use of block quotations, and be sure to frame quoted passages within the overall fabric of your paper. o Be sure to cite quotations with an MLA-style citation. Remember that the purpose of a critical analysis is to evaluate. • What is the significance of this article?

Art historian Linda Nochlin.

How does it make you think differently about the material studied? o Impressionism o Impressionist Arts o Impressionist Artists (Edouard Manet, Gustave Caillebotte, Claude Monet, etc.) • How is it relevant to issues in contemporary culture? • Consider the blind spots of the article. For example, what types of questions or sources of evidence does it avoid or omit? Lastly, your paper should have a conclusion that does something more than rehash what came before it. The conclusion is a space to contemplate the stakes of your argument. • What have we gained from reading your analysis of this article?

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