Artificial intelligence in marketing 2022 Best

The aim of this study is to investigate whether, how and why the adoption of artificial intelligence in marketing has positive effects on marketing capabilities, and in turn, firm sales.

Artificial intelligence in marketing

Instructions Research Question: The aim of this study is to investigate whether, how and why the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing has positive effects on marketing capabilities, and in turn, firm sales. This study also aims to discuss the challenges associated with the adoption of AI and its limitations in marketing. 1. Survey: Current survey questions attached in Survey Questions Document need to be changed to address the feedback. Refer to Survey Questions Doc. 2. Methodology – 2 pages ´ Data & context: which data/setting and why they are suitable to test your main hypotheses / answer your research question. ´

Artificial intelligence in marketing

Variables (dependent, independent, and controls) description. Controls should follow prior literature (review). ´ Method (it can go also after the descriptive statistics) 3. Results – 4 pages · Statistical analysis of results from associated survey Results: (1) Descriptive statistics (means/sd and correlations, (2) Multivariate analysis E.g. of quantitative article you will read for FOE: Eggers, J. P., & Song, L. (2015). Dealing with Failure: Serial Entrepreneurs and the Costs of Changing Industries Between Ventures. Academy of Management Journal, 58(6), 1785-1803.

Artificial intelligence in marketing

Evaluation based on level of independence, rigor of the analysis, critical assessment of the results (not just description but also link back to hypothesis/literature review.) 4. Discussion – 15 pages · Needs to relate to literature review – completed and attached · Needs to address the research question 5. Conclusion – 2 pages · Summary and conclusion · Limitations.

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