Biomedical Journal – Botulism/ Botulinum toxin

Biomedical Journal-botulism/ botulinum toxin

Be proactive in writing your Review paper. Gather all research information published in last 5-20 years regarding your TOPIC. Consequently write a Review on your topic.  By design, the assignments that you submit for this course will be based on scientific publications. So the risk of plagiarism is extremely high. We will not tolerate PLAGIARISM  AND CAN RESULT IN FAILURE OF THE COURSE. Simply put, write in your own words a review on whatever you publish on your Topic. Choose appropriate sections/headings, sub-headings for your topic. Number figures or tables sequentially in order of their appearance. Place the figures or tables (with legends)  along with the text (embedded in the text). References (including websites and images  you capture from websites) and cite according to the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals:

Further Description

Sample reference styles are available at You must use the Numbered format for Bibliography, which is commonly used in biomedical journals.  (Review articles should be 10 pages long (excluding bibliography)  (no more, no less) that include running text and 1-2 figures.  Each page should have ~30-33 lines/page formatted one and half space on 8.5 x 11 inch paper with 1-inch margins Left and Right, and both margins justified. It is mandatory to have one figure, which should be embedded inside the text leaving no blank space around the figure. Each figure cannot fill more than 1/3rd of the page. Format the bibliography must be  using Endnote, and the Endnote library may be submitted along with the review article via email.

If you fail to submit your Review via Turnitin on time, the Review will NOT be accepted (loss of 30% of grades).      Contents of the Review article *Title *Abstract 150 words (bold) Font 11 *Key words 5-6) *Conclusion Your Review may include number of other sections, however, sections labeled * are must, therefore to be included. For each section of your topic, you should choose your headings, subheading carefully reflecting the research described for each section.   References (Bibliography or Citation) – must use numbering system and for formatting, follow PNAS journal pattern

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