Business Conduct for New Venture. 2022 Best
The aim of this task is to create a Code of Ethics and Business Conduct for New Venture. Overview Create a 5 page original code of ethics and business conduct for the new venture you plan to start and manage successfully.
Business Conduct for New Venture.
Overview Create a 5 page original code of ethics and business conduct for the new venture you plan to start and manage successfully. Consider key ethical principles and professional issues that you want your leadership approach to embody and support and all of your employees to emulate and follow. Also examine and address particular industry considerations that could impact the new venture operations (cover in the relevant sections). Instructions Use the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct [DOCX] template linked in the Resources to complete this assignment. These are the key code sections that you must include (these are listed on the template). Mission Statement.
Business Conduct for New Venture.
Venture Values and Ethical Standards. Compliance with Laws and Regulations. Duties of Executives and Managers. Information Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Protection. Conflicts of Interest. Note: This assignment must be mostly your own work written in your own words. You are more than welcome to research other companies’ codes of ethics and conduct in order find inspiration and to help you list all of the issues to consider. However, you must write the code mostly in your own words and cite in proper APA in-text citations any information used from other codes or sources.
Business Conduct for New Venture.
Formatting Guidelines Length of paper: Use the template linked in the Resources. The body of your paper must be 5–6 full single-spaced pages, not including the Title (Cover), References list or Appendices. Written communication: Your paper should demonstrate graduate-level writing skills and should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. References: Support your paper with at least 3 academic resources from the Capella library. You must use current APA style to list your references. Refer to the Capella Writing Center’s APA Style and Format module for more information.
Business Conduct for New Venture.
Formatting: The Code of Ethics and Business Conduct is a professional business document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, which can be found in the MBA Program Resources in the courseroom navigation panel. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
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