Correlating research findings 2022 Best

CORRELATING RESEARCH FINDINGS TO IDENTIFIED CLINICAL ISSUE. Clinical problem According to the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), falls caused 32,731 older individuals to die in the United States in 2018.

Correlating research findings

CORRELATING RESEARCH FINDINGS TO IDENTIFIED CLINICAL ISSUE. Clinical problem According to the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), falls caused 32,731 older individuals to die in the United States in 2018. Among older adults, falls are the main cause of hip fractures and severe brain injuries. Close to 20% of falls result in these serious injuries. Approximately 3 million senior citizens need emergency room care each year for injuries sustained in falls. Every fifth fall results in an injury, such as a head injury or broken bones (CDC, 2020).

Correlating research findings

This presentations focus will be on fall preventions, ways to protect patients from fall-related injuries and determine how to best implement procedures and interventions. The clinical question that is being asked is: “What measures can be imposed to prevent falls in the elderly and improve nursing practice?” The primary goal of further research into this topic is to identify risk factors, any barriers to educating a patient about falls, and interventions that are commonly used to prevent the outcome of a fall.

Correlating research findings

Patient falls are a nursing-sensitive quality indicator used by the American Nurses Association (1999) and the National Quality Forum (2004), who hold nursing personnel directly accountable for patient falls. The way nurses treat patients who are at risk of falling might change as a result of this criticism and possible pressure from management to lower falls in order to avoid Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) sanctions (King et al., 2018).

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