Effective Strategies of Waste Recycling.
This project explores effective Strategies of Waste Recycling. Research Project Requirements ● Using the research paper Writing Resources I and II, your final research paper should be a 1.5 pages long; double spaced using size 12 Times New Roman font.
Effective Strategies of Waste Recycling.
Research Paper Guidelines Choose your topic from the previous list of 3 choices. Here are some starter websites for each of the three topics to help you get started with Writing Resource I: (Note: You do not have to use these sites. They are here to help you, but they are all optional.) Effective Strategies of Waste Recycling ● EPA – United States Environmental Protection Agency – EPA.gov ● Links to an external site. ○ Specific information about Reducing and Reusing: https://www.epa.gov/recycle/reducing-and-reusing-basics#ideas ○ Links to an external site.
Effective Strategies of Waste Recycling.
This source will allow you to search for information about your topic. You can type the words “Waste Recycling” in the search box and select the article that best suits your topic. ● Environmental and Energy Study Institute – eesi.org ● Links to an external site. ● ○ This source includes helpful videos for understanding policies about waste and recycling. Influences of Healthy Self-esteem ● Mayo Clinic – mayoclinic.org ● Links to an external site. ○ You can use the search box and search for “self esteem.” This will lead you to many different articles about the topic. ○ Specific information about how to improve your self-esteem: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/self-esteem/art-20045374.
Effective Strategies of Waste Recycling.
Research Project Requirements ● Using the research paper Writing Resources I and II, your final research paper should be a 1.5 pages long; double spaced using size 12 Times New Roman font. You may write more than one paragraph for each/any of the websites. ● The format of Writing Resource I and II are meant as a guide. You can alter the format based on the research you’ve found. ● Your research paper must cite quotes and paraphrases with in-text citations: follow the examples provided in the website organizer. Use at least three direct quotes from the source (do not only use paraphrases). https://youtu.be/ItPO_Wq6dm8
Effective Strategies of Waste Recycling.
Include a separate title page (follow the sample provided) at the start of your paper. ● Include a separate Works Cited page for the 3 websites used (follow the sample provided) that is at the end of the paper. Research Project Steps ● Complete Writing Resource I (Website Review) (located in the next module page). You can either print it and handwrite or download it and type on it. ● Print and complete Writing Resource II (Research Paper Outline) (located after Writing Resource I). You can either print it and handwrite or download it and type on it. ● Write a rough draft. You can easily turn your outline into paragraph form as your rough draft.
Effective Strategies of Waste Recycling.
Revise your essay for content. Be sure to review the Informative Research Project Rubric (located after Writing Resource II). Have another reliable person read your essay to make sure it is organized and makes sense. ● Edit your essay for grammar, usage, and mechanics. Be sure to have another reliable person read your essay to make sure your spelling, punctuation, and word choice is accurate. ● Make changes and save your final copy. List Your Informative Research Topic: Step One: Hook your reader with a catchy introduction. What is interesting about this topic? Hook your readers with an interesting fact that might make them curious about this topic.
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