Emergency management 2022 Nest
You work as an emergency manager for a town that just created the position, as the local emergency management agency did not exist, you are in charge of a new agency. What technology should you recommend for purchase and why
Emergency management
You work as an emergency manager for a town that just created the position. As the local emergency management agency did not exist, you are in charge of a new agency. What technology should you recommend for purchase and why? I recommend that you select a specific city or geographic location to help justify the technologies you choose. Please remember that most agencies do not have an unlimited budget, so be practical in selecting technology and justify your choices. Prioritizing your technology recommendations is sometimes helpful if multiple risks exist for your selected location. Please focus on technology, not politics, staff training, or basic equipment such as generators or trucks.
Emergency management
APA Requirements: The Basic Formatting Requirements The American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition: ● Title page (note: A running head is no longer required unless your instructor requires this.) ● 1-inch margins on all sides ● Indent the first line of each paragraph .5 inches. ● Font: Use 12-point font Times New Roman* if none is specified by your instructor. ● Reference page ● Double-spaced ● Left-margin-aligned (see the paragraph tab) ● Include a title page and a reference page in addition to the paper. Reference Page: For every citation in your paper you must have an accompanying reference included on the separate references page at the end of your paper.
Emergency management
Access the current Purdue University Global Writing Center’s (n.d.) APA Common Citations and References and the APA 7th edition video for paper and title page formatting. Alternatively, you can access the PG Using Sources & APA Style main page. You can also go to the Academic Tools area on the left navigation in the course to access Academic Writer or other resources located in the Academic Success Center (formerly the Academic Support Center). *There is no specified font and size that is required in the 7th edition of the APA Manual. However, for the purposes of this course, Times New Roman 12-point font is the acceptable one, unless otherwise stipulated by your instructor. https://youtu.be/xBpa4YJ47IU
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