Engineering ethics case study. 2022 Best

For the writing assignment, we would like you to examine, in detail, an engineering ethics case study. A topic is presented below. GM Ignition Module – For want of a sufficient spring in a GM ignition module, the key assembly would turn “off” when bumped or when the car hit a bump.

Engineering ethics case study.

Writing Assignment: Ethical Case Study – Post-Mortem Report · For the writing assignment, we would like you to examine, in detail, an engineering ethics case study. A topic is presented below. GM Ignition Module – For want of a sufficient spring in a GM ignition module, the key assembly would turn “off” when bumped or when the car hit a bump. When turned off, the driver loses not only power steering and power brakes, but the airbag. GM, its engineers, and its lawyers knew about this problem – which has resulted in about 125 deaths – for at least ten years without fixing the problem.

Engineering ethics case study.

The paper should be 3000 words (minimum) in length plus the bibliography, although you are welcome to write more if you wish. Your best beginning sources will probably be the pages of the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and news magazines such as The Economist and Time. In some cases, significant papers have appeared in technical journals or books on the older cases. Please see Browne if you’re having problems finding material. A postmortem is a common task in engineering. It formalizes the process of learning from past experience.

Engineering ethics case study.

The post-mortem analyzes a project once it has ended and identifies what went well and what went poorly to improve the next project. This writing assignment asks you to write up a post-mortem of a well-known case of engineering failure, including not only the technical details of the failure but the ethical lapses that contributed to the failure. The Writing Task – Your post-mortem write up should explain how ethical lapses contributed to the engineering failure.

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