Tag Archives: New York Times
Engineering ethics case study. 2022 Best
For the writing assignment, we would like you to examine, in detail, an engineering ethics case study. A topic is presented below. GM Ignition Module – For want of a sufficient spring in a GM ignition module, the key assembly would turn “off” when bumped or when the car hit a bump.
Engineering ethics case study.
Writing Assignment: Ethical Case Study – Post-Mortem Report · For the writing assignment, we would like you to examine, in detail, an engineering ethics case study. A topic is presented below. GM Ignition Module – For want of a sufficient spring in a GM ignition module, the key assembly would turn “off” when bumped or when the car hit a bump. When turned off, the driver loses not only power steering and power brakes, but the airbag. GM, its engineers, and its lawyers knew about this problem – which has resulted in about 125 deaths – for at least ten years without fixing the problem.
Engineering ethics case study.
The paper should be 3000 words (minimum) in length plus the bibliography, although you are welcome to write more if you wish. Your best beginning sources will probably be the pages of the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and news magazines such as The Economist and Time. In some cases, significant papers have appeared in technical journals or books on the older cases. Please see Browne if you’re having problems finding material. A postmortem is a common task in engineering. It formalizes the process of learning from past experience.
Engineering ethics case study.
The post-mortem analyzes a project once it has ended and identifies what went well and what went poorly to improve the next project. This writing assignment asks you to write up a post-mortem of a well-known case of engineering failure, including not only the technical details of the failure but the ethical lapses that contributed to the failure. The Writing Task – Your post-mortem write up should explain how ethical lapses contributed to the engineering failure. https://youtu.be/EJbWAeERakc
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America is a Christian Nation. 2022 Best
This assignment entails writing an argumentative essay on whether America is a Christian Nation. Requirement #1: Thesis and Six Distinct Arguments. – Your paper must begin with a statement of your general argument, or your thesis. This must be no longer than one sentence.
America is a Christian Nation.
Requirement #1: Thesis and Six Distinct Arguments. – Your paper must begin with a statement of your general argument, or your thesis. This must be no longer than one sentence. If you are confused about what a thesis is, please see me. – Your paper must contain six one-sentence arguments that support your point. Each argument must be followed by a fully cited paragraph that supports your each of your arguments. Each argument must be distinct from other arguments. Each argument should be a single reason why your general argument (thesis) is ‘correct’.
America is a Christian Nation.
You absolutely must have six of these. If you can’t think of six reasons why you are correct, go back to the drawing board and read more! – Each one-sentence argument must be accompanied by an explanatory paragraph of at least six to seven sentences. These paragraphs must support the claim that you are making through logic and formal sourcing. In other words, tell me why the specific claim you have advanced is ‘correct’. – This position paper is individual work. No part of it should be identical to your partner’s. If any text is identical or close to identical I will fail you both. You may confer to prepare for debate, but do not write the papers together.
America is a Christian Nation.
While your sources may overlap a bit, you should be conducting independent research. – There is a sample later on in this document. Your paper MUST follow the structure and formatting of this sample. Requirement #2: Research. – To ensure that you have a breadth of knowledge at your disposal, your paper must cite and incorporate 2 books, 3 newspaper articles, and 3 journal articles. Sources must be cited appropriately within the document according to APA style. Sources must be legitimate, reputable sources, and they must be used as part of your arguments.
America is a Christian Nation.
Books may be eBooks or print books obtained in the library (or anywhere for that matter), but they must be published in some form, have a publisher, and a Library of Congress catalogue number. o Journal articles refer to peer-reviewed journal articles, not magazine articles, websites, or other media. Peer-reviewed articles are accessible through the library. Two good resources are JSTOR.org and Project Muse, though the library and its helpful librarians can direct you to other sources. o Newspaper articles refer to articles that exist in print form somewhere in the world. This would include, for instance, The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal.
America is a Christian Nation.
It would not include cnn.com, abcnews.com, breitbart.com, or other websites that do not appear in print. Accessing your newspaper articles online is fine; what is important is that a print version exists somewhere. You can find these articles, and online access to them, in the library or via your PC/mobile device. Please note that op-ed (opinion pieces) are not news articles for the purposes of this debate. Thus, a New York Times article covering a protest is acceptable, but a letter to the editor opposing that protest is not. o “Hey Dr. Cohen, these resources are for old people.” While some websites do provide good information, they are prone to misinformation.
America is a Christian Nation.
We require these resources because (1) print journalism follows a much higher editorial standard then 98% of digital journalism, and often provides perspective on local issues; some of the best reporting in America still comes out of local outlets, (2) books provide lengthy information to provide vital background into a topic, and (3) journal articles are scientific, and double-blind peer-reviewed, in a way that the internet is not. – Your paper must include a Works Cited. This must be done in a recognizable format like APA/MLA. A note of caution—automated citation programs do not always produce proper results. It is your responsibility to ensure that your paper fits a style. https://youtu.be/bcnBUdLPp2s
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Landscape Architecture and urban planning. 2022 Best
Landscape Architecture and urban planning. STEPS: 1. Choose a long news article about urban planning related to the key themes of this course and read it carefully, taking notes on key points.
Landscape Architecture and urban planning.
Landscape Architecture – Urban Media Response Paper details: Throughout the semester, you are encouraged to read and assess news reports and urban commentary from a variety of media sources. Reading the news about cities helps you understand the contemporary issues they face and helps think about how the things you learn in this class are relevant in the world around you. To structure this process of critically reading and reflecting on the news, opinions, blog commentary, reports, and podcasts we consume about the city and urban planning.
Landscape Architecture and urban planning.
The Urban Media Response assignment requires you to select a news story or opinion piece and summarize the work and critically reflect on the relationship between the story and course materials. Throughout the term, you will produce two of these assignments to help structure your reading and understanding of the media we consume about the city. The written part of assignment should be a maximum of 400 words in length and a minimum of 250 words, although strong responses will be clear, organized around a central idea, and concise.
Landscape Architecture and urban planning.
STEPS: 1. Choose a long news article about urban planning related to the key themes of this course and read it carefully, taking notes on key points. You may need to read a few before selecting the correct article that is long enough to give you enough content to analyze carefully. 2. Summarize the article. To properly summarize: Identify the type of article it is. For example: Is it and op ed or editorial article with the author’s opinions? Is it a current news article that covers recent events? Is it an investigative new piece that covers a longer and deeper history? Who is the audience for this article?
Landscape Architecture and urban planning.
Briefly summarize the relevant information contained in the article. For example: What happened? Where is the article about? Who are the main actors discussed? What are the impacts? 3. Analyze the article. To get your started with the analysis, think about the following questions: Why is this article relevant? How does the article relate to discussions or course materials? Are the claims the author is making credible? How does the article help us understand cities? 4. Include proper bibliographic citation of the article using Chicago citation style. https://youtu.be/y4rYQelu70Y
Landscape Architecture and urban planning.
For Information on how to cite properly, scroll down to the “News or Magazine Article” section of this website and follow the examples for “Bibliography Entries”: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html 5. Attach a PDF of the article to your completed assignment at the end. 6. Submit a PDF of your completed assignment. TIPS TO KEEP IN MIND: Feel free to select an article about a city or urban landscape anywhere in the world you find interesting, this is a great opportunity to write about geographies that are not otherwise represented in the course.
Landscape Architecture and urban planning.
Select an article that was written in the past year, there are lots of great things being written about cities every week so this should not be too hard. Selecting a high-quality article is critical to this assignment. Include a pdf version of the article attached to your assignment. If you’re having trouble selecting an article, look at the newspaper sources that are used as readings in the class and read other articles that they publish. There is an “Ideas for Sources” selection below. If you’re not sure if your article is high enough quality, then feel free to ask. Either use APA or Chicago citation style, in text or footnote format is fine, just be consistent throughout.
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Performance Review. 2022 Best
This assignment focuses on writing a performance Review. The job of the theater reviewer is twofold. Your task is: 1. To convey your experience of watching a live performance to the reader who was not there. What did you see?
Performance Review.
How to Write a Performance Review. The job of the theater reviewer is twofold. Your task is: 1. To convey your experience of watching a live performance to the reader who was not there. What did you see? Where? What was the theater like? What happened on stage? What surprised you? What was it like to see this particular performance? 2. To offer the reader your opinion of the performance – and help the reader to decide whether or not to go see it themselves. What worked for you? What didn’t? What was your general reaction? Do you think other people should go see this – and why or why not?
Performance Review.
The best way to learn how to write an effective theater review is to look at examples. Read the New York Times arts section. These examples need not only be about theater. Reviews are a genre unto themselves, and a good review of anything can be a model. Check out a book review, a review of a television pilot, a video game review. Which reviews do you find most useful? What makes a review interesting to read? How much information should you reveal up front – and when should you be wary of spoilers? Use these examples as models (not templates). Learn from them, but make your review your own.
Performance Review.
In short, write the kind of review that you would appreciate as a reader. While I hope that you enjoy the performances you see, you are also welcome to write a harsh or negative review of a production that you thought was lacking. Keep in mind, however, that any opinions you expressed must be substantiated with evidence. Don’t simply tell us: “I thought the show was boring.” Tell us why – and be specific. The more evidence-based and specific your writing is, the more effective your review will be. Your primary job is to talk about the success or failure of the actors, director, and production team in creating an effective theatrical experience.
Performance Review.
FORMAT Your review should be between 2 – 3 typed double-spaced pages long – no more, no less – in 12 point font. Please use one-inch margins on all sides, include your first and last name, and staple the paper. Use page numbers. Please make sure to include the date and location where you saw the production. Be sure also to attach a ticket stub and program to certify that you attended. If you attend a performance that does not use tickets or programs, please ask the box office manager to write up and sign a note – with their full name, email address, and telephone number, and your full name – certifying that you attended.
Performance Review.
1 GRADING Performance reviews will be assessed according to the following criteria: 1. Description: Does the author adequately describe the experience of attending the production? Does the reader understand what the show was about, what happened onstage, and what it might be like to attend? 2. Analysis: Does the reviewer clearly convey his or her opinion of the production? Are these opinions backed up by evidence and specific examples? Is the value of the production analyzed? 3. Structure, grammar, style: Does the review make sense? Is it well-written? Does the writing flow? Is there a cohesive structure?
Performance Review.
4. Creativity and originality: Does the author’s voice shine through? What insights has the author brought to his or her analysis of the performance? Rent the music link down below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jWa9A3w2FQ
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