Energy – Environmental Movements

Environmental Movements- Renewable Energy

The quiz will cover ONLY the following topics: Firstly class 5: Environmental Movements, Passive Design. Secondly class 6: Non-renewable energy.  Thirdly class 7: Renewable energy, electric power grid. Consequently class 8 & 11: Water General advice – understand the main concepts; you don’t need to memorize every word on theslides.Energy1. Non-renewable sources of energy. What does it mean; know the primary types (coal, natural gas, etc.); which ones are fossil fuels. For one type, know the details and be able to briefly describe: what are pros and cons; how is it extracted, distributed, used, and disposed of; what are risks for safety, health, environment.2. Renewable sources of energy. What does it mean; know the primary types (solar, wind, hydropower, etc.). For at least one type, know the details and be able to briefly describe: what are pros and cons; basically how it works; what are the disadvantages, risks, or environmental impacts.

Thirdly electrical Power grid understand basically how the grid works; what are the components of the grid (power plants, substations, transmission lines, etc.). What happens at each step; know if energy is stored in the grid. System losses – at what stages do losses occur; what causes losses; what is total % loss (approx.) Water4. Water Definitions – know what each of these are and where they come from (sources). Potable water, Storm water, Greywater, Blackwater, Watersheds, Aquifers, Bottled drinkingwater5. Energy-water connection – understand the basics about.  Why and how it takes water to make energy; why and how it takes energy to provide water. The different ways that water can be impacted during “fracking” of fossil fuels (water use, contamination, etc.).6. NYC water system – understand.

Additional Information

 NYC’s water supply -and- discharge (sewer) systems; basically how they work and what are the components; how we get charged for water (we pay for both supply and sewer) Combined sewers – know what they are; what are “CSO’s” and why are they a problem in NYC7. The “Hydrologic cycle” (water cycle). Know the general concept and the primary steps in the process (precipitation, infiltration, etc.). Understand how man-made urban (city) development alters (changes) the hydrologic cycle9. Understand the example of Henry Ford’s manufacturing process (reread Ch. 1, bottom of page21-26) How did Ford and other Western industrialists view nature? How does Ford’s approach illustrate the Triple Bottom Line?

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