Ethnicity and Crime Fighting 2022 Best

Read and annotate “Aren’t There any Brown People in this World?’ Race, Ethnicity and Crime Fighting” in its entirety. Make note of interesting moments, quotes, concepts, examples, and questions that arise as you read.

Ethnicity and Crime Fighting

Readings: . first half of Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet, up to “Necropolis: The City of the Dead.” . Phillips and Strobel’s “Aren’t There any Brown People in this World?’ Race, Ethnicity, and Crime Fighting D” Preparation: . Read and annotate “Aren’t There any Brown People in this World?’ Race, Ethnicity, and Crime Fighting” in its entirety. Make note of interesting moments, quotes, concepts, examples, and questions that arise as you read. Also consider unsatisfying moments in the article–evidence or analyses that were unconvincing or lacked depth, examples that needed greater explanation or didn’t fit the point, etc.

Ethnicity and Crime Fighting

Read the first half Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet. What are you enjoying about the story so far? How is it fulfilling, exceeding, and challenging your expectations for the genre? What do you think about Coates’s narrative, story, and storytelling so far? As you read and immerse yourself in the story, also pay attention to the illustrations, gutters types of transitions, panels, motion, etc. Consider how Stelfreeze (the illustrator) uses visual elements and principles of design to contribute to and enhance the story. For your written prep: Part A: Two Key Concepts from “Aren’t There any Brown People in this World?’

Ethnicity and Crime Fighting

Race, Ethnicity, and Crime Fighting’ Identify two concepts from the article that you find particularly meaningful or significant in terms of the work we have been doing on the topic of representation. Some concepts you might consider include “progressive” /”stereotypical” representation, “lingering white frame of reference in comic books” (184), etc. 1. Paraphrase one of the concepts in your own words. 2. Quote a substantive passage (of at least 2+ sentences) from the article that illuminates that concept. 3. Take three or four sentences to explain how this passages illustrates that concept. 4. Repeat steps 1-3 with second concept: Paraphrase, quote, and explain the second concept.


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