Formation of Thesis Statements. 2022 Best

This paper explores the formation of thesis statements. A thesis statement can be a closed thesis, an open thesis, or a counterargument thesis.  A thesis statement is one sentence that explicitly states a clear position on a particular topic.

Formation of Thesis Statements.

For this assignment, you will make claims in response to a series of prompts and develop those claims into thesis statements. You will complete a graphic organizer to explain your thought process. Background Information A thesis statement is one sentence that explicitly states a clear position on a particular topic. That position relies on a strong claim that can and will be argued. A thesis statement can be a closed thesis, an open thesis, or a counterargument thesis. Materials § Graphic organizer § Writing utensils Assignment Instructions For this project, you are expected to submit one thing:

Formation of Thesis Statements.

1. Your completed graphic organizer, with claims, thesis statements, and explanations Step 1: Research all sides of the issue. a) Read each prompt in the first column of the graphic organizer at the end of this document. b) Conduct research on the prompt. Be sure to research all sides of the issue. c) Write questions about facts, values, and policies surrounding the issue. These questions can help guide your research. Record these questions in the graphic organizer at the end of this document. Step 2: Form claims of fact, value, and policy derived from research. a) Use your research to write claims of fact, value, and policy from multiple viewpoints.

Formation of Thesis Statements.

b) Record your claims in the graphic organizer at the end of this document. Step 3: Establish your position on the issue. a) Consider the claims you agree with. b) Consider how these claims relate to one another. c) Determine the main claim, or the most important claim. Step 4: Write a thesis statement that is appropriate for the argument. a) Determine which type of thesis statement best suits the prompt and main claim. b) Write a thesis statement for each prompt in the graphic organizer at the end of this document. Step 5: Explain and evaluate your thesis statements. a) In the final column of the graphic organizer, explain why you chose to write each type of thesis statement.

Formation of Thesis Statements.

Step 6: Use this checklist to evaluate your project. If you can check each box below, you are ready to submit your project. ÿ Did you read and respond to each prompt? ÿ Did you generate questions about facts, values, and policies for each prompt? ÿ Did you write claims of fact, value, and policy from multiple viewpoints? ÿ Did you identify a main claim before writing each thesis statement? ÿ Did you explain your choice for each thesis statement? Step 7: Revise and submit your project.

Formation of Thesis Statements.

a) If you were unable to check off all of the requirements on the checklist, go back and make sure that your project is complete. Save your project before submitting it. b) Turn in your graphic organizer. Be sure that your name is on it. c) Congratulations! You have completed your project. Scoring Guide – Graphic Organizer § Total points: 100 (5 points per completed box) § Points will be deducted for weak or incomplete answers.

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