Frankenstein and The Wars. 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing two essays  focusing on Frankenstein and The Wars. Each of the two essays should have the following a good title fully developed, unified paragraphs an introductory paragraph ending with a one-sentence underlined thesis statement middle paragraphs, each beginning with a one-sentence underlined topic sentence.

Frankenstein and The Wars.

Essay Paper details: so we need to write 2 essays one for Frankenstein and one for The Wars. The teacher gave us the topics to write about for each of them under the Assignment 4 document.  There is no set number of words required for the essays, but each of the two essays should have the following a good title fully developed, unified paragraphs an introductory paragraph ending with a one-sentence underlined thesis statement middle paragraphs, each beginning with a one-sentence underlined topic sentence. A concluding paragraph is optional.

Frankenstein and The Wars.

Quotations from the novels, are presented, formatted, and documented correctly MLA style. formal tone and point of view good word choice appropriate to your reading audience. Do not use outside/secondary sources; do not base your analysis on psychological, speculative, creative interpretation. Everything you need is in the literary texts, so focus on what characters do and what they say to show you have good analytical and reading skills.

Frankenstein and The Wars.

Prove the thesis for both essays with specific details and incidents in the novels. A Work Cited page in MLA formatting is needed for the literary texts IF you have NOT used our common class texts. For part 1 we need to answer the short questions A to C from the text Glass Menagerie.

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