History of Newark 2022 Best
This assignment explores the History of Newark, the aim of this paper is to develop an original argument pertaining to Newark’s immigrant experience based off your readings of multiple primary sources
History of Newark
History of Newark: Final Essay This assignment challenges students to develop an original argument pertaining to Newark’s immigrant experience based off your readings of multiple primary sources. You have been provided with personal descriptions of life in Newark during the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries by five individuals representing three different migrant groups: two African American, two Puerto Rican, and one Portuguese. Your task is to read through all five accounts and identify what were the most important similarities in the migrant experience.
History of Newark
Topics you might explore include: · Did they tend to be wealthy or poor? · Did they experience racism? · What were their motivations for moving to Newark? · How did migration change their relationship to their families? · What was their work experience in Newark like? · How did they relate to their fellow migrants? · What was their support system in Newark? · Did they form families or build communities? · Were they successful? · Did women’s experiences differ from men’s? You do not need to address all of these questions!
History of Newark
Select at least two sources to complete an analysis of their experience across at least two major themes. You can compare the experience of one group by choosing two sources from that group (two African American or two Puerto Rican) or you can draw comparisons between different groups. Including more than two groups and covering more than two themes will likely provide more evidence and strengthen your argument. You should aim to write a 3-4 page paper (Size 12 font, double spaced). If you find a theme in which differences rather than similarities stand out, you may write about that as long as you are clear about your intention.
History of Newark
A few things to keep in mind: · Essays should be at least three pages, double spaced, Times New Roman font. Essays exceeding four pages are acceptable, as long all material is relevant to the topic. · Essays should be submitted in approved file formats only (No .pages!). · For citations of words and ideas drawn from the sources, use parenthetical citations after the borrowed material. For this essay, you can simply site the names of the people’s stories as (George Branch, Louise Epperson) etc. o Example: The author believed that in Newark “everybody knew everybody” (George Branch).
History of Newark
Quotes should not exceed three lines, and paragraphs should usually have no more than two or three quotes each. · Choose your quotes wisely. If you are simply providing information from an article, you might be better served by summarizing or paraphrasing. · Simply rewording quoted material does not count as analysis. · You may refer to class lectures and class readings for background information. However, no additional sources from outside of this course should be used. Essays using outside sources without permission will not receive a passing grade.
History of Newark
The primary sources provided should be your main source for the essay. · The essay should have a clear argument or thesis stated in first paragraph. State what similarities/differences you will be discussing. · Each paragraph should be structured around a main idea, clearly stated in a topic sentence. · Paragraphs should proceed logically from one to the next, following a clear thematic or chronological order. · Essays should show clear evidence of revision and editing. Essays with numerous typographical errors will receive a grade of C at best. · You do not need a works cited page for this assignment. https://youtu.be/MmqJpks5ksQ
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