I Became Her Target 2022 Best
Discussion Prompt for Main Post: Read “I Became Her Target” by Roger Wilkins before answering the following prompt: Wilkins suggests that the students in his new school misjudged him because at first they saw him only as a stereotype,
I Became Her Target
Discussion Prompt for Main Post: Read “I Became Her Target” by Roger Wilkins before answering the following prompt: Wilkins suggests that the students in his new school misjudged him because at first they saw him only as a stereotype, a stranger with no particular personal characteristics. Perhaps we are all subject to prejudging people, if not because of their race, then for another reason. Did a person who made a good impression on you ever turn out to be boring and mean?
I Became Her Target
Did a boss you thought was overly strict ever turn out to be supportive and teach you a lot? Write a post about someone who was really quite different from what you initially thought he or she would be. You may wish to consider the following characteristics, which often lead people to prejudge each other: · age · gender · race · sexual preference · size · clothing · job https://youtu.be/-3FSFirWccw
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