Influence of multicultural background 2022 Best

Influence of multicultural background on the cognitive differences of the chines calligraphy. Chapter  will be introduction background information Statement of the Problem Purpose of the Study Research question/problem Research hypothesis Definitions Delimitations/limitations Significance of the study Chapter 2 Literature review.

Influence of multicultural background

1. Major: Semiotics 2. Degree: PhD 3. Paper type: Thesis 4. Topic: THE INFLUENCE OF MULTICULTURAL BACKGROUND ON THE COGNITIVE DIFFERENCES OF CHINESE CALLIGRAPHY 5. Word count: about 40,000 words 6. Reference style: APA 6th 7. Number of references: 100 (temporarily, you can decide by yourself) 8. Thesis structure (Please see details in document “2. Handout.pdf”) Chapter 1 Introduction Background information Statement of the Problem Purpose of the Study Research question/problem Research hypothesis Definitions Delimitations/limitations Significance of the study Chapter 2 Literature review.

Influence of multicultural background

Chapter 3 Propose methods/ methodology Design of the study Development of the instrument/ experimental treatment Data collection procedures Data analysis procedures Method of verification Chapter 4 Expected findings and discussion Conclusion and recommendations References Appendices Biography 9. Writing schedule (you are required to send me drafts based on below deadline, I will discuss them with my tutor) 1) The 1st draft: 26/Nov/2022; 2) The 2nd draft: 03/Dec/2022; 3) The 3rd draft: 10/Dec/2022 4) Finish the thesis.

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