Jacques Louis David artworks. 2022 Best
For this assignment we will explore Jacques Louis David artworks. Art 305: Paper Your Favorite Artist: Investigate a Major Artist’s Life and Three of Their Great Artworks Chose an artist to write about that you find interesting.
Jacques Louis David artworks.
Art 305: Paper Your Favorite Artist: Investigate a Major Artist’s Life and Three of Their Great Artworks Chose an artist to write about that you find interesting. Additionally, that artist’s work should be well known enough that you can easily find scholarly articles about them when you search in JSTOR (within the CSUN University Library’s databases), or when you look in digital book collection library listings. Write a brief biography of your chosen artist’s life, then discuss THREE of their artworks in detail.
Jacques Louis David artworks.
This discussion can address how similar the artworks are, or it can be more of a compare and contrast, discussing the differences between phases in the artist’s work. This must also be based on your historical research, complete with footnotes. Finally, write a conclusion paragraph about how you feel about the artist and their work. Your paper must be written in: Times New Roman 12 point Black Double-spaced One-inch margins It must contain: At least 5 pages of content (1600 words, not including cover page or bibliography).
Jacques Louis David artworks.
A cover page Page numbers in the upper right corner Chicago style bibliography Chicago style footnotes At least 8 sources in your bibliography (at least 4 scholarly journals (like the ones found on JSTOR), you can also use books and KHAN Academy or official museum or National Geographic videos) Excellent spelling and grammar.https://youtu.be/rSnH4Dsp23Y
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