Journal Entry

Journal Entry

Goal of Assignment: To facilitate your own learning process, you will submit a journal for this week’s materials .Format: The journal entry should be at least 400 words but not more than 500 words. Instructions: Answer the questions below based on what you read about for this week’s activities. You DO NOT need to include the questions in your response. How do you create a journal entry? Click above where is says “Create Journal Entry”. You can write your answers in the “entry message” text box or you can submit your entry as a word document or PDF.Questions1)  Firstly what did you learn in Chapter 9 that was interesting to you? Explain your answer. Cite the page or page numbers you find  this information on. Secondly what type of health insurance/manage care plan (for example HMO, PPO, EPO, POS etc) do you think is the best fit for you and why?.

Explain your answer and make sure you include facts about the plan to back up your answer. Before you begin your journal entry, review the rubric below so that you will know how the assignment will be graded.  The content available has details and accurate. Reflects strong engagement with the material. It is clear the student has read and understood the material. The student provides specific examples from this week’s materials to support their answers. 10pts Available content  reflects the material that is present in this week’s lesson. There is some evidence of engagement with the material. The information provided is more general in nature.8ptsSome of the content provided reflects the topics in this week’s lesson.

Further Description

The available  material  is not very in depth or /or may not be accurate. 6pts Finally the content is superficial or there is very little or no connection to the material that was presented in this week’s lesson. 0ptsSpelling, Grammar, Length, Completeness Control of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Almost entirely free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. Journal entry follows the word count and answers all questions . 5ptsMay contain a few spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors. And/or journal entry mostly follows the word count. All questions are answered. 4 pts contains several spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors which detract from the paper’s readability. And/or journal entry is about half of the word count. And/or not all of the questions may be answered. 2 pts So many spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors that the paper cannot be understood.

Or journal entry is way too short and/or few or none of the questions answered.0 pts Length, Completeness Journal entry follows the word count and all questions are answered. 5ptsJournal entry mostly follows the word count. Answer all questions.  4 pts Journal entry is about half of the word count. And/or not all of the questions may be answered. 2 pts Journal entry is way too short/superficial and/or few or none of the questions answered.  0Pts Chapter 9Managed Care and Integrated Systems Introduction. Since around 1990:– Most dominant force in U.S. Health care delivery.– Experienced unprecedented success. Main driver has been managed care’s ability to control costs. Managed care • organizations (MCOs) got a lot of buying power by: Organizational consolidation of providers was in response to managed care’s growing power.

Consolidation has given rise to new organizational arrangements. Enrolling a large segment of the insured population. Further taking responsibility to procure cost- effective health care for enrollees What Is Manage Care?.

Additional Information

Managed care is a mechanism of providing health care services in which a single organization takes on the management of:– Financing – Insurance – Delivery – Payment Accreditation and Quality Indicators.  MCOs receive credits by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). Many MCOs voluntarily furnish cost and quality information through HEDIS report cards.  HEDIS data incorporate a number of different measures on cost and quality. The CMS rates Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans on a one- to five-star scale using indicators such as quality of care, access, responsiveness, and beneficiary satisfaction.  Finally under the ACA, the star ratings are in use to reward higher-quality plans with incentive payments.

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