Localization of Cultural Food. 2022 Best
This assignment involves writing a critique on Americanization, Globalization, or Localization of Cultural Food. Prompt: In their essays, Brendon O’Connor and Mark Rice-Oxley argue that American culture, from fast food and entertainment to fashion language, and sports, has penetrated so far and so deeply that Americanization has occurred or is occurring everywhere.
Localization of Cultural Food.
STRUCTURE OF A CRITIQUE PAPER (MA3) Major Assignment #3: A Critique on Americanization, Globalization, or Localization of Cultural Food. Prompt: In their essays, Brendon O’Connor and Mark Rice-Oxley argue that American culture, from fast food and entertainment to fashion language, and sports, has penetrated so far and so deeply that Americanization has occurred or is occurring everywhere. Both writers commented on the detrimental effects of Americanization, including the loss of national identities, the decline of local businesses, and the creation of a single, homogeneous world culture.
Localization of Cultural Food.
Write an essay in which you, as a person who has experienced both your own and American culture, critically evaluate the extent to which the pervasive Americanization, globalization, or localization of your cultural food impacts your country (India) and the image of your cultural identity (Indian). Paragraph 1 – Introduction ● Hook ● General Background Information about the important aspects of modifications/ assimilations/ Americanization/OR, localization of ethnic food – You paper can discuss one of the following problems 1. Serving over-modifications of ethnic food in America (Americanized Chinese/ Indian/ Korean food, etc.)
Localization of Cultural Food.
2. Consuming too much of American fast food in non-American countries ● Thesis (INCLUDE TWO MAIN CONCERNS WITH THE PROBLEM AND WHY THEY SHOULD BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY) Paragraph 2 – Bridging Introduction to Body part ● You can summarize why people keep modifying ethnic food or launching other cultural fast food in your country. ● What are the benefits and positive sides of it? ● In the end of this paragraph, you can briefly introduce the main concerns with the process by highlighting the negative consequences on your original culture or cultural identity (make sure you don’t write this too long in this paragraph because you will discuss the following body paragraphs with depth).
Localization of Cultural Food.
Paragraphs 3- First Concern (negative effect, or consequence) ● Explain your topic sentence in detail ● First Evidence: Back up your argument persuasively by providing supporting detail from Canvas readings and/or outside sources (real examples, data, cases, etc.) ● Remember there should be only one evidence in each paragraph ● Make sure you should explain, discuss, or argue how this evidence supports your argument. (This is an important part that makes your point reliable and persuasive) Paragraphs 4 –Continue to discuss the first concern ● Second Evidence: Back up your argument persuasively by providing supporting detail from Canvas readings and/or outside sources (real examples, data, cases, etc.)
Localization of Cultural Food.
Remember there should be only one evidence in each paragraph ● Make sure you should explain, discuss, or argue how this evidence supports your argument. (This is an important part that makes your point reliable and persuasive) ● End Paragraph 4 with a brief summary of your first argument you make in paragraphs 3 and 4 Paragraphs 5 & 6 should follow the same structure as Paragraphs 3 & 4 Paragraph 7- General Solutions (How to cope with the problems) ● Explain your topic sentence in detail ( brief, general, but reasonable solutions). https://youtu.be/-eyROTdBUs4
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