Marine environment conservation 2022 Best

Write a letter to the President of the United States or other powerful world leaders about marine environment conservation issue or about the more general topic of global warming/climate change.

Marine environment conservation

Protecting the marine environment. Protect the ocean/the environment Paper details: Write a letter to the President of the United States or other powerful world leaders about an ocean conservation issue or about the more general topic of global warming/climate change. You will not be graded on the particular stance you take in the letter. You will be graded mainly on the letter’s sincerity, and the persuasiveness of the arguments used to support your position. I strongly encourage you to make the letter as personal as possible by injecting past personal experiences with the ocean and/or presenting personal opinions/feelings about ocean conservation matters or matters of global change.

Marine environment conservation

You can also ask the President for help or and argue for immediate action to save the ocean and save our planet. This assignment is really meant to be a wide-open invitation for you to freely voice your own thoughts. I am hoping it will give you a chance to express some of your deepest-held feelings about where you think the world is heading and what might be done to improve things. Pretty much anything you say is acceptable as long as it is said with sincerity and conviction. If you use information or evidence from outside sources, please cite them!

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