Music Concert Critique 2023 Best

Music Concert Critique: The following concert critique should pertain to that performance. Assigned artist: Dave Brubeck

Music Concert Critique

Music Concert Critique: The following concert critique should pertain to that performance. Assigned artist: Dave Brubeck There are four parts to your Concert Critique, and remember that each section should be roughly equal in length . . . Part One Composer biography This biography doesn’t have to be very long, just enough to get an overview of the composer’s life or importance. Just like in the book. Researching the composer: Sources for biographical research New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (this is the best site!) How to get to New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians Go to CougarWeb Click “Library” tab On right…

Music Concert Critique

“Find Articles” Choose “O” Find “Oxford Music Online” (this contains New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians) Here’s a tip: When you find a biography of a composer in New Grove, there’s a “Cite” icon to the right. It will give you the correct citation to that article. Just choose “Chicago” and then cut and paste! (short biographies) (look under “composers”) (composer master index) Find a book at library WARNING: I realize that many of you will look at wikipedia. I can’t stop you. BUT YOU CAN NOT USE WIKIPEDIA AS A REFERENCE! While researching the composer . . .

Music Concert Critique

Many biographies will mention compositions. This is a good source for background information on a composition. Part Two Brief history of genre I want to see a brief history of the work; when it was written, any interesting facts about its relevance, connections with the composer’s style, etc. Part Three Description/Analysis I want to see descriptions/analysis of the music. Use the analytical tools that are used in book. For instance: What is the texture? (monophonic/polyphonic/homophonic)? Is it a dance tune? Are there word/music relationships? What is the form? Are dynamics used? Is there anything unique about the melody, rhythm or harmony?

Music Concert Critique

Part Four Description of experience Instead of only describing the music, also describe the entire listening experience. What does the venue look like? How do the people act? How big is the production? Is it different than other live music shows you’ve attended? What is the demographic of the audience? Who is the conductor? Are they well known? Feel free to write in “third person,” since you didn’t actually attend the concert. Rules and Regulations The following format rules are non-negotiable. You will be harshly penalized if you don’t use the proper format. Websites like turnitin do not accept files like “Pages.” When submitting your work, I strongly suggest you submit your work as a Microsoft Word document.

Music Concert Critique

Microsoft Word is free to Collin College students within cougarweb. Use “Times New Roman” with a font size of 12 (footnotes are in size of 10) Place your name, MUSI 1306 (add your section number) and date in upper right corner Center the composer, the composition title, and the youtube link Your paper MUST be a minimum of 1700 words (word count pertains to the body of the paper). Penalty for low count. You can only use approximately 50 words in regards to lyrics. Double spaced (So I can see it) Citations You must include two quotes in your writing from two different sources. These quotes can come from internet or print sources.

Music Concert Critique

When you are writing for academic use you must cite other people’s work. If you use the exact words from someone else’s work, you must give that person credit. Here’s a tip: Good writers don’t just throw in quotes. They take a quote and refer to it. They even use quotes to support their own arguments. Check out how I used quotes in my Concert Critique. You must use 2 citations in your writing, and they must be from different sources They can be from an internet or printed source You MUST use “footnote” or “Chicago” parenthetical style citations Footnotes should be “Times New Roman” font of 10 You MUST use “footnote” or “Chicago” style citations, not parenthetical citations.

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