Voice Over Presentation- Music Venture.
A project development seed fund is available to students to develop a new music venture. an undertaking involving chance, risk, or danger especially : a speculative business enterprise. b : a venturesome act. 2 : something (such as money or property) at stake in a speculative
Project Considerations . Firstly the assignment requires the production of a 15-minute group presentation, involving between 2-4 student participants. Secondly the presentation must be a screen capture video, with voice-over. Thirdly tutor must negotiate and approve topics .Consequently students must execute an entrepreneurial approach in their creative exploration. Of a viable business plan* related to the music and entertainment industry sector .The presentation should reflect and explore a range of strategies that will support the venture. All expenditure of the seed fund must be fully justified and attributed. The presentation should include appropriate background research and utilisation of common business planning tools e.g. GANTT and PESTEL .Analysis Research may include; books, web & statistical evidence etc. industry guest speaker quotes may also be used.
Further Guidelines
And should have reference Policy, Governance and Information July 2020 1. Consider a range of presentation materials in order to bolster the work e.g. music, photos, video, links to web pages and more .All sources must be Harvard referenced in the presentation bibliography Assessment criteria. The presentation will be assessed upon the following. Knowledge Level of knowledge related to the business that you have chosen to propose. Viability and quality of entrepreneurial strategies proposed Analysis, Interpretation & Evaluation Quality and relevance of research and research sources. Level of critical analysis shown in dealing with research findings Synthesis & Argument.
Ability demonstrated in drawing insightful and creative conclusions Range of sources utilised and synthesised to form arguments. Presentation Use of written English (spelling & grammar etc.). Slide design and layout (use of space and intelligibility) Aesthetics and consistency of formatting Application of Harvard Referencing See grid below for more information
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