PESTEL analysis for a private industry 2022 Best
For this assignment we will conduct a PESTEL analysis for a private industry for space travel. Complete an environmental analysis based on article research, & categorize points under each external force for the PESTEL Analysis chart
PESTEL analysis for a private industry
MINI CASE #3 – PESTEL ANALYSIS BMGT2299 Cases in Strategic Management Assignment Overview: For this assignment investigate the new private industry for space travel. Complete an environmental analysis based on article research, & categorize points under each external force for the PESTEL Analysis chart (Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural, Technological, Environmental, & Legal). Article links are provided on Blackboard or you may search for other articles. The key is to be sure you have at least 2 items for each PESTEL category & 24 in total.
PESTEL analysis for a private industry
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FORMAT: Upon completion of the PESTEL Chart, write an Executive Summary overviewing your analysis with the following paragraphs: • Introduction – Overview the purpose and goal of the analysis. Highlight which factors will be covered as important. Be sure to reference the PESTEL Chart. • Paragraph 1 – Overview 1st Category. Discuss any key factor(s) and how it impacts a company’s competitiveness. Be sure to reference the PESTEL Chart. • Paragraph 2 – Overview 2nd Category.
PESTEL analysis for a private industry
Discuss any key factor(s) and how it impacts a company’s competitiveness. Be sure to reference the PESTEL Chart. • Paragraph 3 – Overview 3rd Category. Discuss any key factor(s) and how it impacts a company’s competitiveness. Be sure to reference the PESTEL Chart. • Closing – Provide specific recommendations for a Space Travel Company. Answer the question: How might a company use the force(s) to create a competitive advantage? Or how might a company mitigate the impact of the negative force(s) on their success?
PESTEL analysis for a private industry
(Note: You may focus your recommendations toward a specific company if you like.) Steps to complete this assignment: • Read through the articles provided on Blackboard. • Capture notes on key points that belong under categories of the PESTEL Analysis Chart. o Complete additional outside research if needed to ensure you cover all PESTELCategories. • Complete the PESTEL Analysis chart categorizing the factors under the correct areas. o Use short phrases with action words. (See example PESTEL Chart on Blackboard.).
PESTEL analysis for a private industry
Be thorough and detailed. o Stay succinct with each factor, keeping it meaningful to the reader. ▪ A total of 24 factors are required with at least two for eachcategory. ▪ Factors should include: • Quantities – percentages, dollars, numbers where possible • Qualifying adjectives (See example PESTEL Charts) ▪ When reading the PESTEL chart, some factors should make it apparent this is for the Space Industry. (In other words, don’t be too general in your points!) • Using the PESTEL Analysis, write an Executive Summary.
PESTEL analysis for a private industry
Be sure to: ▪ Follow the guidelines above for the structure of the Executive Summary, ▪ Focus on 3 categories & specific points from the PESTEL only. (Do not reiterate every point – focus on factors critical to build your argument. (YOU decide which factors are most important to the industry.) ▪ Length – 1 – 1.5 pages.
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