Physiology – Kidney Cancer
Kidney Cancer- Physiology
The information students research must include at least four recent (within the last 10-15 years) peer review scientific articles with references. Submit a brief paper alongside the presentation. Together, the assignment is worth 100 points. Presentation Guidelines: Each student will research and present (at least 8 minutes but no more than 10) a specific topic relevant to human physiology. Students can research any topic current in human physiology that is of particular interest to them. The assignment is designed to provide each student the opportunity to ask questions relevant in physiology and to independently research the topic by reading through peer reviewed scientific articles with a new understanding and insight to physiology.
In addition, the presentations will provide an opportunity for the students to practice disseminating information. This is by communicating what they have learned to the class in a clear, professional manner. Effective presentation of your ideas and knowledge is a valuable skill and this activity has a design to allow you an opportunity to develop this skill. Presentations should provide the class with enough background to allow for clear and thorough understanding of the physiological mechanisms and the physiological relevance of the summary information. The presentation must explain at least one physiological mechanism (this is the most important component of the presentation). Students may use a variety of ancillary presentation materials (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.). You will submit to an Assignment folder in D2L:1.
Further Description
An 8-10 min recorded video presentation (your face must be visible in the recording).2. A summary (paragraph form—no bullet points) of the information that you present (2-3 pages, 12 pt font, double-space, 1 in. margins, in-text documentation).3. A Works Cited/References page listing all sources utilized using appropriate scientific reporting format (at least 4 peer-reviewed). MLA or APA format is acceptable, just be consistent. A presentation rubric will be in use to grade your presentation and project as a whole, and will be available for your viewing on D2L. The most difficult part of this assignment will be choosing a topic. There are a tremendous number of research choices considering how much knowledge is in physiology, but not all will be appropriate or suits best for this assignment. You will need to find a topic where the mechanisms are fairly well established or have hypothesis
It is difficult to find information as well as present a topic where we have little knowledge. Further, be as specific as possible in your topic, while still leaving yourself enough room to construct an 8-10-minute presentation. Getting ready: Start by thinking of a question you would like to answer. It can be on anything related to physiology (the how and why of specific body functions—or malfunctions). There are many topics to research so finding a topic should not be the limiting factor. It’s scaling down the topic that is challenging! For instance, you may be interested in muscle physiology. This topic is too broad, so you need to be more specific. A better topic might be the mechanism behind lactic acid and its effects on muscle training, or the actions of creating supplements on improving muscle endurance.
Additional Information
The more specific you are, the easier the question will be to research. Start by googling the topic to obtain a generalized overview and to start to understand your topic better. Once you feel you have a pretty good handle on the topic, then dive into the scientific literature. It can be very technical and difficult to understand, so having prior grounding is very helpful. Each student will be required to have at least four peer-reviewed scientific articles that relate to their portion of the presentation and are no more than 15-20 years old. Below is a short list of some peer-reviewed scientific journals where information may be found. American Journal of Physiology Journal of Physiology Annual Review of Pharmacology Science Annual Review of Physiology Nature
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