Poverty and how it affects development. 2023 Best
This 3-5 page paper will involve interviewing someone you know about their views and experience with poverty and how it affects development.
Poverty and how it affects development.
This 3-5 page paper (double spaced) will involve interviewing someone you know about their views and experience with poverty and how it affects development. Specifically, it will focus on their views of stigma, stereotypes, and attributions for poverty, neighborhood influence, etc. Part 1: Interview (1.5-2.5 pages) Interview someone you know (and have easy access to via phone, zoom, etc…keep it feasible) using the topics in Gorski’s (2018) ch. 5 as a starting point. First gather their demographic information: age, gender identity, occupation, SES, and any other information you might see relevant. Feel free to use a pseudonym throughout the paper to protect identity.
Poverty and how it affects development.
Make sure to ensure them that there are no right or wrong answers to these questions and that their responses will be confidential and anonymous. The interview is just to gather personal opinion on these topics and to help us “challenge ourselves to rethink some of the most common stereotypes about people experiencing poverty and the extent to which we might have been fooled into believing them” (Gorski, 2018, p. 73). Questions: • What is poverty? • How does it affect children’s development? • Why are people who are in poverty in poverty? • Please tell me what you think about the following 5 stereotypes about people living in poverty as outlined by Gorski and why you think they are common stereotypes
Poverty and how it affects development.
o 1. People experiencing poverty do not value education ▪ Truth: There is no evidence to support the stereotype that attitudes about education among those experiencing poverty differ from those in wealthier communities (p. 74-76) o 2. People experiencing poverty are lazy ▪ Truth: No evidence to support that those experiencing poverty are lazier or have weaker work ethic than others. In fact, they work just as hard if not harder than others. (p. 77-79) o 3. People experiencing poverty are substance addicts ▪ Truth: They are more likely to get criminalized for drug and alcohol use but are less likely to use it than wealthy counterparts (p. 78-79) o 4. People experiencing poverty are linguistically deficient and poor communicators.
Poverty and how it affects development.
▪ Truth: studies show that children from families experiencing poverty begin school with less developed reading and language skills but there is no evidence that this discrepancy is connected to a language use deficiency or that it reflects parental disinterest in education (p 79-81) o 5. People experiencing poverty are ineffective and inattentive parents. ▪ Truth: Research commonly finds that parents experiencing poverty are extremely attentive to their children’s needs despite the many barriers (p. 82) **Part 1 will consist of you reporting/describing their responses Part 2: Analysis (1.5-2.5 pages) This part will consist of your analysis of their responses while incorporating at least 4 of the readings we’ve covered so far:
Poverty and how it affects development.
For example, you can tie their definition of poverty to the many ways it was described in the first couple of weeks’ readings. • Their description of how it affects children’s development can be tied to many of the readings from weeks 3-5 • Their explanation of why people are in poverty is especially related to week 6 readings on attributions for poverty. • Their views on the stereotypes is also tied to week 6 readings • You can conclude with your own short reflection on the process. For example, do you views differ from those of your interviewee? How do you feel your interviewee’s background is related to their responses?
Poverty and how it affects development.
Breakdown of points Part 1: Description of the interview responses (25 pts) • demographic info:4 pts • definition of poverty: 4 pts • effects on developmental outcomes:5 pts • reasons why people are poor: 4 pts • views on the stereotypes: 8 pts Part 2: Analysis (40 pts) • definition of poverty tied to readings: 8 pts • description of developmental outcomes tied to readings: 8 pts • explanation of why people are in poverty tied to readings: 8 pts • views of stereotypes tied to readings: 8 pts • own short reflection: 8 pts Reference Page in APA style listing at least 4 sources (5 pts) Writing: flow, organization, grammar, APA style (in-text citations, not necessarily direct.https://youtu.be/Ap-M30CRGtI
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